17. VioletGhost

5 1 0

Finished - November 30, 2022

Word Count - 4054

Music - Heart of Courage - Two - Invincible


It was the last day of the winter break. The first day of a new semester started in the morning.

Even without students running amuck in the halls, the school was busy with activity. Teachers, professors and other faculty scrambled to get things ready for the new semester.

Amongst the ruckus, a secret meeting took place in one of the more important offices. The principal Nezu was in the midst of a discussion with several of his most trusted advisors and teachers.

Nezu, All Might and Aizawa sat in contemplation as a very anxious Yuu Takari paced the floor. His teeth picked nervously at his fingernails as his feet weaved divot's into the principal's office.

"Mr. Takari, please sit down." Nezu attempted to ease the agitated man.

"No no no." Yuu shook his head. "The letters keep coming, they are getting more frequent. This is bad."

The man was practically pulling his hair out and the bags under his eyes proved that he had not gotten sleep in days.

"Trust that we are doing everything we can." Aizawa pressed.

"We've lived here for over six months now, thats too long." Yuu wasn't listening to a word they were saying, his thoughts too overwhelming. "We've never stayed anywhere this long, something is going to happen."

All Might folded his hands together and examined the photos Yuu Takari had brought in as evidence. Dozends, if not a hundred printed photos of the student Allira. Paparazzi style, from a distance and all taken without her knowledge. Some of the photos had harsh words written upon them, one even with a large "X" scribbled out her face. This was definitely concerning.

Though, All Might couldn't help but notice a common thread in the more recent photos. One of his more beloved students, Bakugo Katsuki was in almost every one. Not always his face, but cropped out pieces of his uniform, hair or other details All Might recognized as Bakugo.

This fact eased him slightly. All Might knew how dedicated and passionate the young Bakugo was. If he had taken a liking to Allira, then she was in good hands.

"We should leave, it's not safe to stay any longer." Yuu was completely panicking.

"That would only be worse for Allira." Nezu explained.

"The principle is correct." Aizawa agreed. "She is finally comfortable here, making friends. You want to pull her away from that again?"

"Her safety is more important than her friendships." Yuu spat.

"Yuu, please." Nezu tried to deescalate the situation. "Your daughter is safer here, in our care than anywhere you could flee."

'Besides." All Might joined. "They obviously have no trouble tracking you down and finding you. Stay Takari. The time of running is over. Now you must stand your ground and be brave."

Yuu was never a fighter, he was a doctor. His wife Hisano, she was the brave one. Running was the only thing he knew how to do and over time it proved pointless. If he gave into their offer and gave them the keys, it meant that he had failed. He was unable to protect his own daughter and all his hard work was inconsequential.

In addition, it meant the situation was out of his hands. Yuu would be forced to put his faith in others, to trust that they would make the correct decisions and hope for the best. Yuu was never good at letting go either.

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