♡1. Retirement Party♡

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As it was Jungkook's 30th anniversary as the Founder of Jasper(car) company, the party set up was grand and luxurious. The venue was a spacious ballroom, decorated with sparkling lights and flowers of all colors. Round tables were neatly arranged, covered with pristine white tablecloths, and adorned with beautiful floral centerpieces. Guests were mingling and chatting, some sipping on drinks, and others snacking on the delicious hors d'oeuvres served by the waiters.

Jeon Jungkook, the man of the hour, was looking dashing in a black suit and tie, with his hair styled neatly. His charming smile and kind demeanor made him the center of attention as he greeted and hugged his guests. Everyone congratulated him on his success and wished him well for his retirement. Jungkook seemed happy and content, finally able to take a break after years of hard work.

Despite all the attention, Jungkook's eyes were on his daughter, who was seated next to him. He was proud of her and grateful for her constant support throughout his journey. He wanted to spend more time with her and take care of her, now that he had fulfilled his responsibilities as a Founder and Board member. He knew he had a lot to catch up on and was looking forward to it.

"Are you ready, Appa?" Jimin wrapped her arms around her father's and looked up at him with her doe eyes.

"Ah, yes, princess. Do I look presentable?" Jungkook asked, a bit concerned about his suit.

"Appa, don't you trust me?" She pouted.

"Okay, okay! Don't make that ugly face at me. I know I'm looking good!" Jungkook chuckled and adjusted his hair.

"If I'm ugly, who are you?" Jimin demanded, a playful smile on her lips.

Before Jungkook could respond, Hoseok, Jungkook's business partner, interrupted them.

"Can you both stop bickering for tonight? The guests are waiting for you, Jungkook. Move your ass, fast," Hobi yelled, clearly irritated.

"Oops! Uncle Hobi is in a bad mood!" Jimin nudged her father.

"Ah, yes, yes! Let's not make him more angry, or else he'll ruin my retirement," Jungkook replied, shaking his head.

"MR. JEON? WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Hobi bellowed, turning to glare at Jungkook.

"Hyung, where's Taehyung and your lovely son, Yeon?" Jungkook quickly changed the subject.

"Huh? They must be somewhere. Where are they?" Hobi looked around, trying to spot his husband and son.

Jungkook and Jimin giggled, taking the opportunity to escape Hobi's wrath.

"Mrs. Rachel, have you seen my husband and my dear son?" Hobi asked his secretary, who was busy chatting with the guests.

"Mr. Kim, have you forgotten that your husband and son went on a business trip to the US?" she replied with a concerned look.

"Ah, yes, yes. Actually, I know where they are. I'm just making sure you know their whereabouts," Hobi scoffed, not wanting to come off as an old man who always forgets things.

"Ah, how could I forget about them!" Hobi rubbed his forehead as his attention turned towards the father and daughter who were laughing at him mockingly.

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