Keep the love going

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Yeah! Today is the day I finally get to go back to work. Your probably wondering why I'm so excited, well it's because I have an amazing dance to teach Peeta and my students.

"Why are you so happy?" Peeta asks chuckling
"I'm going back to work...and your coming with me" I say yanking Peeta out of bed and pushing him into the shower.
"Like the view eh" Peeta says bopping his head.
"Oh shut up" I say while closing the bathroom door.

"Katniss......." Annie says coming into my room
"Yessss......" I say before turning towards my closet to put something comfy on.
"Can you teach me a....a-"
"A dance to show Finnick? Sure" I say while smiling and Annie returns it.

~Dance Studio~

Once I enter my dance studio I see all the little kids I teach dance to.
"Who is he mommy?" Grace asks
"'s not nice to point.....go into class" and Grace obeys.
"Yes" I ask
"I sorry for Grace being rude..."
"Oh it's ok....did she like the substitute while I was gone?"

"Pfft......she stood in front of the glass to show the dance teacher how it's really done" Graces mom says and I start to laugh.
"Well I'll see you kater" I say walking into the Dance room where all the girls are stretching while Peeta looks at them scared.

"Why do you look so scared?"
"That little girl! I was just saying hi and then I was going to teach them how to stretch when she came up to me and said ' Are you the teacher? If you are I think you should be fired so I could be The teacher' so now I'm scared!" Peeta says walking towards the wall, while I start laughing.

"Ok girls.....this is my husband Peeta, be nice like you always are" I say
" mommy says boys can't see you dance" Sophia says and I start to smile.
"'s ok he's just going to help me out ok?" I say and she nods
"Our dance is called 'The last text'" I say before going into the closet and getting a prop for my 8 year olds to use in there dance.

"Why are our kids dancing to this?!" One of the moms ask
"Who's your daughter?" I ask
"Emily" she says simply
"Ok well....we're doing this dance because it might actually stop teens from texting and driving if they see little kids are trying to influence them" I say placing the prop in the back of the room.

"I still don't understand it" Emily's mom says
"Ok.....your daughter is dancing to's a beautiful piece my friend and I put together" I say now teaching the girls some steps while I have Grace do her gymnastics to the right corner of the room.
~2 hours later~

"Katniss..that was a wonderful piece...I can't wait to show my older son this dance later this week" Graces mom says leaving me and Peeta alone in the room.

"So...what did you think?" I ask now putting on my contemporary shoes on.
"It was you" Peeta says now standing up waiting for me.
"So we're doing a dance?" Peeta asks and I nod.
"Yes.....the song is called Earned it but the dance is about love" I say showing Peeta his parts of the dance.

"Do you think you have it?" I ask
"Yup.....are we going to show anyone this?"
" the girls recital this week" I say getting into my position.
(A/N: video above or on side!)

"Whoa....." I hear at the door and I turn around to see the entire group and my daughter in Annie's arms standing there.
"You like?"
"Like?! Move Peeta I wanna learn this dance!" Finnick says pushing Peeta out of the way giving me a wink which causes me to laugh.

"What is my sexiness to much for you?" He asks
"'s actually-" and I just keep on laughing till I see all of my other students in my next class come in.

"Hi guys" I say to my 11 year old class
"Hey" they all say
"But daddy........they won't like me here!" I hear and u turn around to see a girl with ashy blond hair and green eyes.
"Hi sweetie.....of course we'll like you" I say introducing her to a bunch if the kids.

"Mrs. Mellark may we see your dance?" And I turn around shocked nobody has ever called me Mrs. Mellark before.
"Of course" I say and I do the dance all over again with Peeta.
" we'll be doing duets and solos in the group. It's a new creation I made. Sophia and Skylar up here. Destiny over there,and Jasmine,Carian, and Aliceyn in the middle. The soloist will be doing 7 turns up.........and then a back bend onto the floor. The duo you'll be doing 2 lay ups and 5 leaps with a jump in each section. And the trio you'll be walking up front and acting as if your trying to catch a glimpse of the war that's happening." I say before starting the complete dance,but when I turn around I see the entire group and Peeta left...probably bored here.


Once Katniss actually comes home it's around 2 in the afternoon.
" tried" she says laying her head on my legs.
"I can see" u say chuckling
"Where's Delilah? wait where's the group...we all live in the same house" Katniss says yawning.

"Delilah's sleeping and the group are in the kitchen doing something" I say playing with Katniss' hair. It's not weird it's so soft and it smells like strawberry peach shampoo.

"PEETA!" I hear and I get son append out of my trance.
"What?!" I say jumping up from the couch
"Nothing.......I just wanted to annoy you" Kat says with a smirk in her face.
"Your so evil! the army I never got any sleep" I say now pouting
"Oh.....I'm sorry" Kat says now sad
"Baby it's ok....I'm just joking with you" I say
"Wanna go to the beach tomorrow?" I ask

"Thank the lord....yes please!" Kat says before running into the kitchen coming back with paint all over her.
"Make sure to restrain me to the bathroom door so I don't kill them!" She says stomping up the stairs and into our room. I have a wife ready to attack, a baby asleep and now no need to clean up 15 little kids messes......Lord I know I never pray but for once......can there be something normal going on in this house?

And with that I start to clean the house till it's exactly paint free....everywhere.

*****I need your love. I need your time. When everything's wrong you make it right. I feel so high. I come alive. I need to be free with you tonight. I need your love.*****

Let's wake up in a field of darkness & light
To stay strong & fight
for our freedom & like.
To live life the way we are
In this world of cruelty & heart.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Plz leave comments and vote plz!!!

Love you all
My own poem

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