Field day

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Ugh! I hate my flashbacks they ruin everything possible.
"Yah?" I say to Peeta
"Are you ok?"
"Yah,just......did I hurt any of you?"
"Other than popping my eardrums" I hear Aden say then alyson smacks his head.

"Yah,well I'm sorry, I truly am Catherine,Devon,jake and Sam" I say looking out my window.
"Oh sweetie don't be sorry,it's those doctors faults" Cathrin say
"Finally! We're here" I hear jake say and jump out the car
"Come on babe" I hear Peeta say then he holds my hand while we carry the bags out the trunk.

Once were done setting up I feel so much better.
"Here you go sweetie I thought you'd like this better than casserole pizza" Catherine says
"Oh thanks" I say and give her a smile. Once were done eating they tell us what we're doing.

"Ok so partners are the couples and groups are Peeta,Katniss,Finnick and Annie, 2group is Aden,Alyson,Delly and Mike,3 group is Cato,Clove,Madge and Jacob,and 4th group is Devon,Jake,Sam and I Cathrin says then we get into our groups and we wait about an hour because Delly started getting cramps and I started to get a headache.

"Ok may the odds be ever in your favor!" Cathrin says and starts to run to the bowl with different papers to tell us what activities were doing.
"Ok our first activity is to see what group can get all takes off of every team in the dark" Cathrin says

"Yes! Finally something that's not stupid!"jake says and starts to dance
"Wait? Where's Kyle?" I ask
"Oh she's at my aunts" Peeta says and takes my hand and squeezes it slightly.
"Ok may the games begin!" Cathrin says then we start to walk to the mall that's closed but we have the key since my dad is friends with the mall owner.

"Hello I'm Caesar and I'll be hosting the games with Ms. Effie Trinket, Haymitch Abernathy will be your guys' helper" Caesar says and give me a wide smile then he walks off to who knows where.
"Ok,the last team standing will choose a ball out of the bowl each ball has something for the losing teams to do,now let the games begin!" Caesar says over the intercom.

"Ok so Kat you go with Annie and I'll go with Peeta" Finnick says but he makes sure the others don't hear.
"Ok let's go hide annie" I say and we pretend we're statues
"Catnip I know your here!" I hear Gale say
"Gotcha.." I hear Aden say but he didn't get my tag
"You sucker" I say and turn around and do a backflip over Aden then I rip off his tag.

"I got you!" I say then Aden gets lifted up to the others who tags got pulled off.
"Ok so the only ones left Cato,Gale,Jo,Peeta,you and I" annie says then we start to run straight ahead till Annie is about to get her tag ripped off but I rip Gales off first.
"I'll get you back!" He says then he also gets lifted

Once I'm about to run again Cato grabbed me and is trying to rip my tag off but I bite his arm and push him to the wall and Annie comes and rips his tag off while both Peeta and Cato get lifted.
"Ugh Jo got Peeta!" I say and start to hide behind a bush before I realize Jo is on a raining leading directly to my back.

"No!" Annie says and I turn around to not find Annie anymore
"Annie!" I say then I turn back around and Johanna is gone
"Jo! Where the hell are you guys!?" I say
"Katniss,look behind you" I hear behind me to see Mike
"You bastard!" I say and charge after Mike but he flips me on my back and I flip him over just like he did to me.

"There can only be one winner" Mike says and gives me a smirk
"Yah,and that's going to be me"
"No it's going to be me!" I hear behind me to see Devon
"What the hell!" I say and start to run but I get tackled down by Devon and Mike.

"Ha, bitches!" I say and they both fly up just like the others did.
"Congratulations Ms. Katniss Everdeen" I hear Effie says then the others come running to me
"You have some mojo" jake says
"You bet I do" I say and then I run to the bowl to grab a ball.
"Ok the ball says one team needs to wear, a bikini or a swim suit for later" I say
"Oh that's not that bad" Aden says

"And the other two groups need to watch frozen then run outside and sing all the songs and do the motions" I say and start laughing
"Ugh!" Cato says and I start laughing even harder
"Ok now let's go to the cabin and start swimming!" Jake says and starts running to the car.

Wow this day was extremely fun,we'll my summer is turning pretty damn well! Now to the pool.


Hope you guys liked😊

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