| •- Chapter 20 -• |

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"Your hands are scarred from murder, and yet I trust them completely."


Deku's pov

I continued to run as fast as I could from them. My feet were sore and my side was stinging bad, but I could only ignore it. I kept running until I made it back to my building. When I saw my little makeshift bed I immediately fell onto it. I cried while remembering what had just happened. I wanted to stay with them so bad and yet I couldn't. I would only put them in danger if I went back now.

My current breakdown was interrupted by a terrible stinging on my side. I reluctantly got up and groaned at the pain. I lifted my shit expecting to see a bruise but it was worse. It had to have been that guys quirk or something, since now there was now a long gash on my side. I tried to touch it but it burned so I yanked my hand back. I really didn't feel like doing anything but if I didn't wrap it up it could get worse.

Even though I didn't want to, I got up and grabbed my bandages. I took my ripped shirt off and wrapped the bandage around the gash. It stung really bad, I really wish I hit that guy harder now. I finished wrapping it and put my now torn shirt back on. Then I went right back to my bed and laid down. I stared at the cracked roof while thinking about everyone. I had just found Eri and now she's gone again.

After I make sure that the league is gone then I can go back to the school. I just can't go until then. I promise I'll sort this all out and come back to you all. Maybe then I can tell Dabi and Toga the truth about everything. Eventually I feel asleep since I was really exhausted from the whole thing, being injured really takes a lot of energy.

>the next morning<

I slowly opened my eyes and got up. I winced at the pain but it was better compared to last night. I stood up and walked over to the hole in the wall. There wasn't many people over here so I knew no one would see me. I walked out and floated down to the ground. I started walking down the sidewalk while watching all the people I saw.

Today I was going to find the rest of the league and get rid of them. I may not know where they are, but this shady area was a great spot for them to hide, so I knew they had to be around here. I kept walking but I couldn't find any building that was suspicious. "I guess I was wrong the-" I was cut off by someone covering my mouth with a rag.

I panicked and tried to use my quirk but it was acting up so I couldn't use it. I fell them stab me with a needle and I was instantly about to pass out. I kicked my feet around but I wasn't able to fight off the growing tiredness. "You can't escape us." I heard the person say in a sinister tone. My eyes widened when I recognized the voice, it was Shigaraki. I did everything I could to keep myself from passing out, but I eventually closed my eyes.

>about an hour later<

I quickly open my eyes only to see another testing room. I thrashed around trying to escape but it was pointless. I stopped and finally looked around, I froze when I saw a group of people around me. "Good try deku, but you can't escape that easily." Shigaraki said with a small laugh after. I was petrified and watched their every move. "Oh so your not talking now? Well that doesn't really matter. Give him the shot." Shigaraki said as another person in a lab coat grabbed a needle.

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