| •- Chapter 17 -• |

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"I learned that people can easily forget that others are human."


>About 1 year after Deku was captured<

Deku pov

My body hurts so much. Day after day that damn doctor comes in and gives me a shot. Every time it's excruciating pain that last for what feels like forever. I'm so tired of this all. Cant they just kill me at this point? I don't even know how long I've been here.

I just hang from the chains around my wrist waiting for my next hell. Everywhere you looked there was a new scar. Because every once in a while a new doctor would come in a cut me open. He took my blood, but never told me why.

By now I'm sure they think I've giving up. Little do they know I'm planing my escape. It's perfect, now I have experience of how to escape people like this. The only flaw is I can't freely use this quirk. I don't think I want to anyway. From what I gathered these shots did something to my quirk.

"Just use your power already. You can kill them all" The voice spoke. It's gotten more violent lately. I can't count how many times it tells me to kill them all. I had to catch myself a couple times for almost listening to it. I was broken from my thought by a loud creak.

"Oh great." I thought. I guess it was time for the next shot. "Evening cell mate 462. Today we are trying something different. When I give you this your quirk with activate. You have made great progress in upgrading your quirk so far. Now we'll see what it has evolved into." He said walking over to me.

This can't be good. The last time I used this power I couldn't control it. I learned to not fight the doctor when he was going the shots, but I feared I would do something I would regret. I was more afraid than any of the of times. I struggled to free myself from the chains.

That only caused me more pain. My wrist were bleeding and numb. They lowered them so I wasn't hanging by my hands to much. I thrashed as he walked closer. That's was a fatal mistake. I guess after behaving for so long I forgot about what the collar around my neck did. I watched him pull a remote out and instantly remembered.

The shock ran across my whole body causing me to scream and scratch my neck. "How useless can you be deku. You should just kill him now" The voice said yet again. No I can't kill another person, I thought. I yelled and cried while electricity coursed throughout my body.

"You were doing so well cell mate 462 why did you start fighting now?" He said pushing the button again. The shock wave stopped and I gasped for any air I could get. I shook watching him walk forward. I wanted nothing more than thrash around again. I knew better, if I pushed myself my plan of escaping was gone.

I glared at him as he stopped right in front of me. "Now, cell mate 462, show me what your capable of!" He yelled stabbing the needle in my neck. The liquid mixed with my blood and pain took over yet again. I yelled yanking my hands against the metal. Then I felt the power, this time it was more overwhelming than ever.

"Use it now. Kill him!" The voice said to me. You know what? I don't care anymore. I'll kill you all for what you've done to me. I'll kill EVERONE!! I yelled breaking the restraints on my arms. The doctor jumped back. "H-hey! You can't do that! Stay away from me!!" He yelled running to the door. He fumbled with the remote before pressing the button. His eye widen when he saw it did nothing.

"Make him pay"

I lifted my arm to face him. The room shook and things began to fly all around. The doctor the flew into the air.


I smiled and stared into his eyes. Then I saw blood leak from them. His scream was full of pain. I watched him suffer like he did to me. I began laughing while he thrashed and cried. "HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW DOCTOR!" I yelled while laughing. He stared at me in horror before his body fell limp.

I never felt happier, I threw him to a wall then started walked forward. I crumbled the door like I did before. And walked down the hallway. Blood dripped forming a path behind me, but I didn't care. I walked up the stairs with my injuries stinging with each step.

I reached the top and stared at Shigaraki and the other villains in the room. I was covered in my blood and the doctors. I smiled at them and watched them all shiver. "Did you really think you could just do this with no consequence?" I said inching closer. I saw him move back slightly and my smile grew wider.

I lifted my hand and in seconds the place was destroyed. I looked at the chaos and laughed before clutching my side. I clenched my teeth and limped away. My wounds were starting to get to me now.

I walked around aimlessly holding my side before walking into a convenient store. When I got passed the doors the people in there gasped. I slowly made my way to the bandages I grabbed almost 10 rolls. I limped over to the cashier. "W-will that be a-all sir?" She said stuttering slightly. I understand why, seeing as I was covered in blood. "Yes." I mumbled back.

My voice was barely audible due to all the yelling I did. My throat hurt like hell with every word, it didn't help that I never talked, I only screamed in pain. She rung it up and I handed her some cash I found while walking. I grabbed the stuff and walked to the first alleyway I saw. I ripped the bad open and started wrapping the bandages around my body.

It stung so bad but I clenched my teeth and continued. I only cried a little, after all I had been through way worse than this. I got up ignoring the burning in my limbs. I started walking along the sidewalk with no real destination. I stopped and looked at the tv in a coffee shop. It had the news playing so I decided to watch, I figured by now they had found what I did.

"From what we have been told, a villain destroyed the area. We are not able to identify them at the moment, civilians say they saw a man walking away covered in blood. If you see him report it to the police immediately."

I looked at the now destroyed building. I suppressed a smile and then walked away. I saw an old run down building and headed towards it. I walked through what looked like a door. I climb the stairs until I saw the least destroyed floor. I walked to a corner and saw down. I stared at the empty building and started processing what I did.

I just killed someone, again.


~•| Word Count |•~
•—| 1200 |—•


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