| •- Chapter 19 -• |

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"The thing is my hands are shaking and my tears are falling and oh god I don't want to do this anymore."


Dabi's pov

"Welcome children! from what we've seen, you two are close with Deku. For this mission you are going to join us in bringing him back to UA." Nezu said siting at the end of table with the other pros. Aizawa sat down at the table and then motioned for us to sit in the empty chairs. I walked over to the table with Toga following behind still holding my shirt.

"So what's the plan exactly? We have to hurry" I said while sitting down. "Now hold on kid, we have to be careful" Aizawa said while sighing. "What do you mean by carful?" I said clenching my fist. Did they think Deku rejoined the league? That's impossible, there's no way he would after everything. I saw some of the other pros look away after I said that.

This was getting ridiculous! We should be out there looking for him already. Aizawa looked like he wanted to say something but he stayed silent. "I asked you what the hell do you mean by carful!?" I yelled standing up. I saw Toga jump a little, I'm pretty sure she was zoned out. "Now now, let's calm down a little. Aizawa doesn't mean any harm. It's just that we have reason to believe that Deku was part of something that I really shouldn't say." Nezu said, placing a folder on the table.

"Huh? What the fuck are you talking about! Explain damn it!" I yelled throwing my chair. Toga grabbed me and I felt her shaking. I cooled off a little but I still wanted answers. "Please refrain from violence. I assure you we are on the same side. If it helps you, I will inform you of the little information we have now. Please understand that this could be disturbing and unsettling." Nezu said as Aizawa used his scarf to put my chair back.

"Say it, I just want to help zuku.." Toga said with tears at the brim of her eyes. I reluctantly sat down in my chair and held Togas hand to help her calm down. I saw Aizawa and Nezu look at each other before Aizawa nodded.

"A little under three years ago we discovered that a gang that was kidnapping children. We finally got a lead to their hideout, but when we arrived at the place it was demolished. All the people there had been killed. We of course looked around and found an office room. There was folders scattered, so we took them back to the station for investigation" Nezu was cut off. "How the hell does this even relate to deku huh?" I said furious.

It sounded like they wanted to tie the murders to him. Even if he did do it, I don't understand why that means we have to be careful of him now. "I understand you are worried about deku but if this information is correct then we had to be cautious. If you would please let me finish it will help you understand why." Nezu said with a smile. I grumble and nodded at him to finish talking.

"Thank you. The folders contained information on the children such as their age and quirk with failed on the front. There was one child that had a different folder from the rest. His folder had success on the front and a list of drugs that were used on him to upgrade his quirk. That child's name was Izuku Midoriya who we suspect to be Deku. We also suspect that the league is involved in this now." Nezu said pushing the folder over to me.

I stared in shock looking at the paper. The kid looked exactly like deku did the day we found him just a bit younger, then I remembered the name he told us when we first meet him. "Is that why they took him?" I said picking up the folder to look at it again. "We believe so, and if they succeeded in whatever plan they had. Deku is extremely dangerous right now. We don't know how he will respond if we go after him." Aizawa said looking at us. "No! I don't care how dangerous he is! We have to go save him!" Toga yelled standing up with tears falling down her face.

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