| •- Chapter 6 -• |

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"He likes to see the best in people, I like to see the truth."


Dekus pov

After the principal and pro left we were silently looking at each other. "Do you think they're really going to come back?" Toga asked. "I don't know, maybe?" I said back, shrugging my shoulders. To be honest I don't know if we should believe them or not. This whole thing is pretty suspicious to me.

The next two days were very boring. They obviously didn't let us leave the room since we are still criminals. And even food was brought through a slot in the wall. I think they kept us here so they could monitor our behavior. It wasn't that long until two days passed. We didn't really have much to do there. They didn't gives us things they thought could be dangerous in our hands.

The only thing we could really do was play rock paper scissors. That wasn't the best idea because we're all quite competitive. "HA! Now I have 30 win's total! I beat you both!" Toga yelled out with a smug look. "Oh shush, you only beat me by one win." I snapped back at her. "Whatever! I still win." Toga said with a giggle before smiling smugly. Then for the first time in two days we heard the door creak open.

"Huh? They really did come back." I said a bit shocked. "Gather your things, if you even have any and follow me." Aizawa said to us while holding the door open. "YAY!! Finally! I'm been dying of boredom." Toga shouted out. She quickly grabbed Dabi's arm and started dragging him along with me following. "Toga, I can walk you know." Dabi said while still being dragged. I couldn't help but laugh a little at the scene in front of me. Dabi glared with only made me laugh more.

Aizawa looked at them, watching what was happening. "What made these kids want to be villains? They seem so normal right now." Aizawa thought to himself. We all walked down the long and painfully bright hallway until we finally reached the doors. Aizawa walked out and pointed to a car. "Over there is the car that's taking us to UA." Aizawa said before walking over to the car.

"Awesome!! Come on guys!" Toge cheered with a big smile. "Yeah yeah, we're coming." I said back with a sigh. She was already at the car waiting for us to get in. Me and Dabi walked to the car and got in, then Aizawa started driving to UA. I could see him glancing back at us but I just tried to ignore it.

> Time skip to UA <

We made it to the school in a little over an hour and got out of the car. "Whoa finally! That was a reallyyyyy long drive." Toga whined out. She never drove anywhere since we don't really use a car at the league. I looked at the giant building in front of me, this was all kinda like a fever dream. It still didn't feel real at all.

"Come on problem children. Your dorms are in the back." Aizawa started to lead us to the buildings. Which were like super tall. We had to walk for a while until we reached the buildings we then walked in and got on an elevator that took us to the top floor. "They had to construct a new floor for you kids since the other floors are full, so because of the circumstances you will have your own floor." Aizawa said while we were going up on the elevator. This place was super fancy already.

The elevator doors opened and we all walked out. "Alright your dorms are just above 1-A's dorms. We also have security cameras all the way around the building so no funny business. You can write a list of the things you want in your rooms. Just hand it to nezu during school hours when your done. That's all for tonight, see you kids tomorrow." Aizawa told us right before he left, locking the door behind him.

As soon as we heard the door click shut toga squealed. "I want this room!!!" Toga ran right passed us in a rush and booked it to the first room. "No! obviously I get that room! I'm older than you!" Dabi said running to the same room while they were pushing each other. I grumbled to myself before I walked over to them.

I slapped them both in the head before sighing. "Will you two quit it already? Geez!" I said, slightly yelling at them. I may be younger but I'm more mature by a long shot. These two just act like toddlers most of the time. "The rooms are all the same size. I'll take this room, Toga you get that one and Dabi you get that one." I said pointing out each one. "Fine! but only because you said so Deku." Toga said a little bit more happy because Dabi didn't get the room, but nether did she.

Night came quicker than we thought and we all went to our rooms. Dabi and Toga were able to sleep like normal, but I stayed up because I didn't want to have a nightmare. I knew I would since I started remembering things again. I also stayed up because I was thinking of how to get out. I thought of 20 different plans and none of them would work!

I was snapped out of my daze when a very loud alarm rang through out my room. "Fuck you bitch!" I yelled out pissed off that it made me fall from the unexpected noise. I then did what any person would do and threw it across the room. It didn't break but it did shut up. "That's what you get, loud mother fucker." I mumble the last part.

Reluctantly, I got up and took a Quick shower, brush my teeth and put on my uniform. I still had about two hours until the school started. So I decided to make breakfast for Dabi and Toga since I don't eat breakfast. I found some pancake mix that we have apparently and made them pancakes. When I finished the last one they walk down stairs, looking almost exactly like zombies.

"Good morning." Dabi said while yawning at the end. I could see his shirt was also unbuttoned, I don't know why. "Morning Dabi, Toga go eat and Dabi come here so I can button your shirt up, you lazy child." I sighed while putting down the plate. "Ok mom" Toga said with sarcasm obvious In her voice. Though she wasn't complaining about food and Dabi just grunted and followed what I said, then went to eat with Toga.

They had just finished eating and were cleaning up when we heard a knock. Then the door clicked and someone came in. And guess who it was, Aizawa! "Let's go now problem children, I don't have all day." Aizawa said clearly not wanting to be here in general. He looked like he would rather sleep with those eye bags. "Geez we're coming." Dabi said back. We all got up, got our bags, and walked out the dorms behind Aizawa.

"I'm going to introduce you kids to the class. You won't stay the whole time since your first day is technically tomorrow, but Nezu wanted to give the class time to adjust." Aizawa said while walking ahead of us. I wonder if he made it into this class?

I guess we'll see, Kacchan.


~•| Word Count |•~
•—| 1300 |—•


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