| •- Chapter 15 -• |

520 14 2


"Being alone was never hard before I met you."


Dekus pov

I was running over to toga when a hand grabbed my neck. "Hello there, deku" Shigaraki said in his sinister voice. I instantly trembled and tried to yell. All I was able to get out was mumble words. "It seems you have become useful now, so I'm here to take you back." Shigaraki said with an evil laugh at the end.

Panic over took me and I scrambled to get away. Now everyone was looking over at me and Shigaraki, and I saw Dabi's eyes widened. "L-let me go!!" I was able to barely yell out. "Too late, your coming with us." Shigaraki said as a purple portal appeared behind him.

My eyes started to water and I desperately looked around. That's when I met Dabi's eyes he looked terrified. I managed to to mouth out help me before I was dragged into the portal. I saw dabi run towards me and yell out, but it was to late. The portal closed and I was now alone with the rest of the league of villains.

I felt a sharp pain in my neck and cried out. "We can't have you using your quirk now can we, so go to sleep for now." Shigaraki said yanking the needle out of my neck. "P-please.." I cried out my vision was becoming blurry now. "See you soon." I heard Shigaraki say. That's was the last thing I heard before I was taken over by sleep.

Dabi's pov

We were waiting outside the forest for the teachers to let us go. Deku was picked to be a hider. Me and Toga happened to be seekers. I was standing around with Toga and the rest of the class until I saw a portal appear. I would recognize it anywhere, the league was here.

I immediately told the class and they all looked terrified. One of them ran to get the teachers. I still couldn't use my quirk so I stood in front of Toga and put my hands up. That's when Shigaraki stepped out of the portal followed by a couple other villains.

"So hero's, where is Deku currently?" Shigaraki said with a smirk. "Why do you think we'll tell you" I yelled back. I didn't know why he wanted Feku after abandoning us not to long ago. Then I remember the power he used that day. Shigaraki was after his quirk, that's got to be why.

I felt my blood boil and that's when the speaker started playing. "Hero course students. If you were given a provisional license you may engage in combat, you are granted permission to use your quirks tonight in self defense"

When we heard that me and the rest of the students were charging at the Shigaraki. I got distracted by another villain and lost sight of Shigaraki. It had only been a few minutes when an explosion went off. I assumed that was the blonde guy.

I had finally defeated the villain when another one attacked me. I looked around to find Toga siting by a wall. She was not badly injured, but she still wasn't able to fight properly. I began to panic a little, Deku was still out in the forest. That's what I thought at least.

Then I saw someone running out of the forest and immediately recognized him. Deku had come running to the one place he had to stay away from. He was scared looking around quickly. I was about to yell until I saw shigaraki appear behind him, putting his hand around his neck.

I felt the world stop. I was stuck fighting the villain in front of me and Toga couldn't move. I saw Deku start trembling. "L-let me go!" I heard him yell. I wanted to run over there so bad but I could only watch. Shigaraki said something but I didn't hear him.

Then a purple portal appeared behind them and. I watched Dekus eye quickly look around until he met mine. That's when he mounted out 'help me'. I was terrified of him being taken I ran past the villain and straight to the portal. I reached out but I was to late, the portal closed.

I watched the other villains go though portals as well. I feel to the ground and just stared at the woods. Deku had been taken by shigaraki. All I did was watch it happen. Now he was gone for god knows how long. I looked around and saw the class starring at me.

I didn't care about that thought. I just got up and walked over to Toga. She was barely conscious now, so I picked her up and carried her back to the camp site. I was fighting a few tears on my way there. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Me, Toga, and Deku hadn't been separated since we found each other.

Toga was not going to like this when she finds out.  It was going to be difficult to break the news to her. I just hope we can find deku before it's too late, I don't want to imagine what they want with him. I brought Toga to the nurse area and placed her on one of the beds. I sat next to her and watched the time go by. I knew it was hopeless looking for him now. I didn't have a clue where they were.

And these damn teachers wouldn't let me go anywhere. I clenched my fist holding back tears. I sat by Toga for a little over half an hour. Until she began to move and her eyes opened. She shot up and looked at me. "Dabi? What's going on. What happened." She asked panicked.

I couldn't answer her I just looked. She seem to understand something. "Where's deku?" She asked her voice trembling slightly. I turned away and shut my eyes. "Shigaraki took him." I said in as shaky voice. I got no response only silence, then I heard a quiet cry. I looked back and saw Toga staring in shock tears falling down her face.

I knew this would hurt her a lot. But it would hurt worse if I hid the truth from her. She covered her face and started sobbing. I pulled her over to me and hugged her while she cried. We didn't say anything just sat there, all you could hear was crying.


~•| Word Count |•~
•—| 1100 |—•


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