Safe And Sound (fluff)

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Song: Safe And Sound - Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars

It had been what seemed like forever since the prison fell, and you were alone again. You were alone at the beginning, but then you found a group, you lived with them, you tried not to get attached, but at the end of the day they became your family.

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go

But then the governor came, and the prison fell, and you were alone again. It took some getting used to in the beginning, but you've embraced the feeling again. Nothing ever lasts forever, not even family.

When all those shadows almost killed your light

You were sitting in a tree, being as quiet as possible while a few walkers passed, not a herd, but too many to take on. Once they were out of sight you hopped down and started walking the other direction. You enjoyed the sounds of nature while you walked, eventually you came across a road with two walkers on it. You pulled out your knife and killed the first one with ease, but the other one was bigger than it looked from the woods and it pushed you over causing you to drop your knife as it fell on top of you. You used one hand to hold its face away from your skin while the other searched the ground aimlessly for your blade. Your nails dug into its rotting flesh making blood spill all over you, you finally gripped your knife and stabbed the thing, hitting its neck on the first try, causing more blood to fall onto you before you finally punctured its head and it collapsed onto you. You pushed it off and got up, covered in blood.

I remember you said don't leave me here alone


But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

You walk the yellow line in the middle of the road like a tight rope, heel to toe and arms out, humming the tune of "Safe And Sound" by Taylor Swift, something your mom always used to sing to you before the world ended. You would hum it to yourself to keep you going.

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down

You hear shuffling coming from the hallway outside your cell. Carl appears in the doorframe. "Hey y/n?" He says. You're sitting on your bed criss cross apple sauce, tapping the metal frame that held your mattress and humming, you turn your head to look at Carl. "Couldn't sleep?" He nodded and you started fidgeting with your ring. "Yeah me neither." You motioned for him to come in and he does, sitting next to you on your bed. "What were you humming?" You look at the ground. "Just something my mom used to sing, it always calmed me down." He nods and looks at the floor. "My mom used to sing to me too." He laid his head head in your lap and yawned. "Can you sing it to me?" You swept some hair out of his eyes and began to sing. When the song was finished Carl was fast asleep. You leaned back against the wall and closed your eyes. It didn't take long before you were asleep as well. There was a strange comfort in being around him.

You'll be alright no one can hurt you now

You pulled yourself out of your thoughts. "Just forget them, you'll never see them again. Just forget about him, you'll never see him again." You told yourself. You kept alert of your surroundings and after a while decided to head back into the woods. It was too dangerous to be out in the open alone for that long.

Come morning light

You keep moving, no matter how tired you get, or how many tree roots you trip on, or how many scratches appear on your skin, you keep moving. You're hungry, you rummage through your bag and all you find is a candy bar, half of it gone from when you shared it with Carl.

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