sammy wilk calls

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Phone calls

Y/n: hello?
Sammy: ayye whats up babygirl
Y/n: nothing much just seeing if my bestfriend still my best friend! Whats up with you? Making videos and shit haha
Sammy: haha shut up and great things are happening as we speak!
Y/n: oh so i see you main chick dont get a part in this? Hmmm i knew you was gonna leave me behind haha fuck you! (I laugh cause its a joke)
Sammy: okay bye!
Y/n: -__-
Sammy: y/n! Hello?
Sammy: what the hell? Hello! You there?
Y/n: ..... Yeah
Sammy: stop playingggg
Y/n: Okay babe haha
Sammy: you tired?
Y/n: im seriously tired can i go to bed now? Haha taxt me tommarow sammy: omay night babygirl.
Y/n: night babe.

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