Adriam is quiet, and patient, slipping into his medical training as he waits and for that I'm appreciative. 

"I'm doomed to keep losing whatever is in this space, forever, unless I get rid of it or keep this cuff. She claims it will help me carry, and protect me from Fenrir."

"Protect you from Fenrir? Did you make a deal with her? Why would she help you?"

All questions that I'd refused to ask myself, because I didn't want to know. "I don't know," I admit softly. "I don't want to know, I just want so badly for this to work..." He was one of the few people who could understand, a woman trapped in a man's body, Adriam had always wanted what I'd wanted. Longer than I had, for sure, though I was thoroughly convinced I was a man. 

"Well. Some Gods, as you know, are good. Some just love humans, they must if they helped create our world and our worship of them gives them strength. So... in theory, it is not a surprise she would love a human enough to want to bless them. People do pray to Gods, you know." His voice is guarded, fearful of giving me to much hope for we never had that much luck. 

The amount of celestial being's we'd dealt with told us that most things such as this didn't come without a price and if I was being honest, she told me straight and clear she was hoping I would find a way to allow her to stay in the mortal realm. She wanted to continue to walk amongst the humans, and I would think of her when it was time to start sending these entities back to where they came from. 

Allowing a few to walk the earth meant also allowing creatures like Seth, like Skull and Haiti... like... Fenrir... to walk this plain. 

My heart threatens to sink. "How can we send these God's back to their own realms without forcing Verando to go with them?" It was a timid question, something I couldn't ask anyone else for no one else loved him the way that I did. Nobody else was as desperate for him to live a long and happy life but Adriam was also a realist, he understood the reality of our situation. 

Bastet wanted to be on my good side because I loved my husband, I would not send him to the underworld to be with Lucifer, I would keep him by my side if it was at all possible. This meant there would be decisions to make, and she wanted to be on the side that got to remain. 

"I think you know the answer to that, it's a 20-year journey to hell and we all decided that it was going to be an impossible trek that nobody is going to come back from... so the idea of sending him back at this point seems to be off the table. How to get Fenrir out of his body is.. well.. I believe we are relying on Darrius for that, at least the future version of Darrius. The only one who is going to be able to decide all of this is going to be the Unicorn. 

The unicorn is the spirit of the earth, he will be able to banish or allow any being to stay here. That means it will be for him to decide if Verando can stay or not with Fenrir intact and if they can be separated. I've been thinking about this a lot and this is something we can not tread through lightly. 

Nicolas, if you remember Fergus, he did not help us even though we are friends. He also did what was right.. and we have to keep that in mind in raising Darrius. If sending Verando to the underworld with Fenrir is the only way...... I hesitate to believe that we should stand in the way of that."

This wasn't right. He was supposed to be on my side, my fist tightens around the phone as I resist the urge to curl closer to my husband who looked so peaceful in my lap. "Darrius loves his Daddy. He'd never do that."

"I know he does. But. We also have to remember that Darrius's mission in life is much bigger than anyone's. Just like yours, a lot of pressure was put on you and if your parents had prepared you better for the school perhaps you would have walked a more just path than what you endured."

Ascension - Book Eight - Man x ManWhere stories live. Discover now