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Before time or even space, there wasn't much to have or to do. Completely lifeless and empty, it was a void empty of the infinities and the eternities that are known today. With a complete lack of everything, the universe needed a time and a space to start, and it needed the motivation and the recipe to figure out what to do other than staying as nothing.

Therefore after the era of nothingness, the universe then allowed the possibility of the dimensions we know of today. Before it could expand and form the worlds we knew, it needed to accumulate as much of itself as it could into one concentrated source of energy. Once it's done with that process, it needed "the formula".

For the longest time, nobody knew what "the formula" really is, but it was the thing that taught the universe to become what it is today. What had taught the once chaotic and lawless particles to organise themselves? No one dared to go back that far to find out, as the slightest change at the beginning of it all could change the universe completely from how we once know it.

All of that had reigned true, until now.

At the beginning of time and space itself, in the centre of everything, a brief flash of light covered the surrounding area, revealing the trench-coated man carrying a body. It was the body of his lover, taken from the metal grave that had once contained her away from him. He held onto her with great care, putting everything he has to never lose her. The entire time he focused on her, his mind set on a single thought as he finally looks at what was in front of him.

There it was, where everything had concentrated into this one spot. It was a ball of energy and quarks, rumbling with excitement as it awaited for an inevitable explosion once it figures out its purpose. Just as the man of time had planned, it was still seeking the formula, a way to expand and create. He had planned to place his lover into it, with the possibility of her being the formula that had kickstarted the universe. The chances of it being true is impossibly low, but it was the only way to bring her back.

There was a major chance that this will only erase everything completely, but with the only thing he cared about was her, there was nothing to lose at all. To him, it was either her, or nothing at all. With his commitment set on the mathematically minute chance, he began to approach the concentrated ball of everything.

Right before he could get close enough, a flash of light emitted behind the man, as 5 figures appeared right where the flash came from. One of the figures was a man, while the other 4 were incomprehensible beings, guardians that seek to stop the man of time from allowing the collapse of reality itself.

Individually, they had powers that had been trained specifically to stop those who had stepped over the line of a normal being, coming from galactically varying backgrounds allowing some attributes that aren't even comprehensible by humans. With confidence in their own ability, they did as they had trained, attacking the man to prevent it from going any further. With a light show unlike any other, they strike the man with powers that are able to cause ripples on reality.

Alas, it could not compare to his own strong connection with time, as before they knew it, they weren't able to even hurt him in the ways they thought they could. With each of the 4 meeting their gruesome death, he took them down one by one, inflicting fear and panic into the others no matter how much they tried to pretend they did not feel it.

Then, it was still and silent once more, with the last person standing who had not attacked him at all. 

"You know I'm unarmed, I'm not here to do what I know is futile." Says the last man, which was none other than the Zach that had sought to take over his universe and more. The one that should have died in his crumbling building, but had yet somehow survived.

The golden haired man stayed silent, looking down at the body of his deceased lover as he held onto her. He had already known that his counterpart was the one behind all of it, but he did not give it any time to even consider about who did it, and had only thought of what to do with her the entire time.

"Yes, I did take her away, brainwashed her, and kept her away from you." The man said with a lack of guilt, fear, and sympathy. "But it was because of what you did to MY Ash... It was because of you two that she was completely destroyed during the collapse. I only wanted the reassurance that she was still her, so I kept her under my wings even without her realising it. Even after death, I preserved her..."

The maniacal man lets out an internal chuckle at the situation he is facing. "But this? Are you really willing to risk EVERYTHING that had ever BEEN just for one woman? Silly, silly me, truly a fool of me and YOU for thinking that you are any better."

"In the end, you and I are really just the same man, you selfish genocidal hypocrite. You are willing to erase everyone and everything without any second thoughts or even considering the effect it will have on others. You only think of yourself, and your need for her. Do you think this is what she wants? For her to be the cause of the wipe of all reality? You think you are able to walk amongst gods, but you are merely a self-centred little human making unwanted decisions like one. The only similarity you have with a god is the petti-"

He stopped in the middle of his rant, both of his hands gripping his own throat. His throat began to slightly bulge, his eyes rolling itself up as he struggled. A tree trunk grows out of his mouth, roots puncturing through and out of his throat and went back inside through his face. The trunk proceeded to grow branches that bloomed with wisterias.

Zach slowly lets go of Ash's body, as the ball gradually absorbs her body. The counterpart tried to speak out to stop it from happening, unable to tell it was too late as roots had already punctured through his eyes.




There was then, the big bang.

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