Is He?

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Ash reaches towards the other's gun, pushing the barrel down to keep Zach safe from the risk of getting shot. For a moment, the elder Ash lets her gun lower before immediately swiping the barrel away from her hand and continuing to aim straight at the time traveller's head. Her eyes switched between looking into the younger Ash's eyes of care and concern while also looking into Zach's protective and kill-intent-filled stare. Over and over again she tried to block it, but she can't help but see the past her and her Zach had when she looked at the two of them.

She mentally shook it off, snapping violently back to reality. "Step away from him so I can get a clear shot."

"Please, you have to trust me on this. He is completely different from your Zach, he is going to help us." The younger insisted for the other to give him a chance, desperately trying to calm everyone down. However, the two kept their aim towards each other as they don't trust the other would back down.

It was until something caught the elder Ash's eyes was when it finally changed. Right in the corner of her vision, she could see Zach's arm slowly wrap around Ash in an embrace. It was clear that if things were to go south, Zach would just pull his Ash away and out of danger as a first instinct. Despite how conflicted she felt, she can't deny that for him to care about his Ash's safety over his own does show that he, at least for now, genuinely does love her.

She continued to debate it, but inevitably she had to trust him for now. She rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration, lowering her gun slowly and hesitantly. As her gun pointed away from him, Zach then lowered his along to show that he is willing to cooperate. The two of them holster their weapon at the same time, which allowed Ash to relax and turn back to her partner.

"Fuck, Zach, I didn't even know if I were going to see you or not. How the hell did you even get to me?" The young Ash finally was able to ask what she had wanted, allowing her to show her surprise that she didn't have time to show earlier.

In response, Zach pulled her closer with the arm that was already around her, fully embracing her as he had completely missed her and worried shitless for her well-being. "You had no idea how god damn worried sick I was when I lost track of you, my love. I'm so glad to see you to even be in one piece. Are you hurt in any way at all?"

Ash couldn't help but smile at the embrace, feeling his warmth all around her which comforted her soul. "I'm fine, like I said, again and again, I can handle things myself. Now answer me, how did you find me?"

Soon, the sound of a few notes from a familiar violin played. Blip, the violinist bee, appeared out of Zach's coat and landed on his shoulder. The bee then made their way to the older Ash, which reached out a hand towards them for landing. "They helped me, Blip saw you being taken and followed me the entire time. Once I finally got out of the situation, Blip lead me to where you were going."

The violinist bee lands on the hand of the older Ash, even letting her pet them with her finger which made her form a small and subtle smile. While petting the bee, she looks up and back to the two with a serious face as she spoke. "You two love birds done? It's going to get bright soon so we need to continue moving and find somewhere to rest for a bit before we can move again in the dark."

Zach looked back at the hooded Ash, but with a friendlier look as he can now trust her. He lets go of his partner, even laughing at what she said to them. "Alright then, you're the one leading."

The hooded lady turned around towards the path they were taking, mumbling something under her breath.




They finally reach their pit stop after a few more minutes of walking. It was a motel, one that was not really properly kept well. However, something about it makes it seem like that is how it's supposed to be. Even if the entrance is in an alleyway instead of facing the street, the target demographic must be shady. 

Despite the environment, the motel was almost completely occupied, leaving only 1 room for the 3 of them to share, 4 if you count the Apidae. It didn't take long for the younger Ash to fall asleep while resting on Zach's thighs, her body completely unprepared for this unexpected venture. With her completely lying unconscious on him, he began to caress her face and stroke her soft hair. In his lifetime worth of venturing time and space, he had never seen anything as precious as his one and only lover resting.

As he looks up from the sleeping beauty, he catches the hooded woman taking off her hoodie, revealing the majestic and luscious hair that she had been hiding under that hood. He was completely taken aback, his breath frozen as he unknowingly admire her beauty. The elder lady turns to him, his eyes still locked onto her as he just can't get it off. Despite everything she went through, despite her age, she looked as stunning as the day he met her.

His ocean-blue eyes were staring directly into her royal purple eyes, bewildered by her magnificence with the flow of dark raven hair moving down. His heart had skipped several beats at this point, feeling the same type of attraction he has to his one and only.

As she catches his glare, a short smirk formed and faded in mere seconds, before she went back to looking serious. "Don't get any ideas, golden boy. Tomorrow, we will be killing your twin."

The hooded beauty takes it off completely, before lying down and sleeping through the night.

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