Slow Turn

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The man led me through the venue at our own comforting pace, the both of us synchronising in perfection with each step. His fingers were placed under mine while his thumb pressed firmly yet gently onto it to hold on. The air was filled with the sounds of gentle jazz and the scent of finely curated meals, as I looked up at the man leading me while we make eye contact every time he looks back to ensure I had not disappeared.

After finally snaking through the restaurant, we reached another open doorway that lead straight outside onto land. Zach gently led me down the short step, warning me with a soothing soft voice. "Watch your step"

As I looked up from the step and onto our surroundings, I was immediately in awe and wonderstruck by it. It was a mystic like entrance into a garden, filled with beautifully arranged flowers of gold and purple planted. From purple irises, wisterias, and morning glories to golden hibiscus, daffodils, and chrysanthemum, flowers of all gold and purple were there from the most recognisable to the most alien.

Before I knew it, I caught myself indulged deeply in the flowers, just to notice my soon-to-be lover was also distracted by them. Lightheartedly, I cleared my throat to get his attention back on me. He turned around with a smile, realising what he was doing and what he should be doing weren't aligned. "Weren't you taking me somewhere?"

With a warm smile sprinkled with a hint of  jubilation, the man in trench coat reached out his arm and locked it with mine, "Of course, how could I forget?"




After just a few minutes of strolling through the heavenly garden, we reached what seem to be the centre of it which contained a tall well decorated wooden clock tower. I was in awe of the complexity and beauty of the tower's etchings and sculptures. As we approached closer towards it, I realised that at the base of the tower was a door, fittingly filled with vignettes as well.

Right as we reached the door, Zach stood to the side and opened the door for me to enter. He gestured with his arm and hands into the tower, speaking to me in a polite voice, "Please, after you."

"My, what a gentleman we have here," I said before letting out a suggestive and low muffled chortle. Right as I entered, I found myself surprised as I was somehow already at the top of the tower. I turned myself back to Zach, raising a brow with intrigue. "How did we..."

He lets out a laughful exhale, amused by her intrigue as he always would. He closes the door and slowly approached me, replying to my question, "Time is simply a concept."

Unknowingly, I had been standing on one of the cogs of the clock, causing me to stagger back as it turns. As I lose my balance and about to fall over, the time traveller catches me in his arms. Everything else came to a standstill, the two of us staring into each other's eyes once more. Once he helped me back onto my feet, we simultaneously positioned ourselves without any prompt from one another.

One hand in his, while the other is on his shoulder, the prophecy smiles upon its completion with warm understanding smiles shared between us. The two of us then began to move, taking our first slow steps to the left.

Then to the right.

Then left again.

Then the slow turn.

All the while, I stared at the wonderful man that is dancing with me in this clock tower. I could no longer imagine a life without this man, how was it possible for me to live without the adventure he brings to my life. For some reason, I could tell he felt the same way. In fact, I feel like I know it all, that I knew that this was all coming.

I knew how much he loves me, how much he will live on with me for the rest of time's existence, how he is the one and only while I was his. The world just seems easy, yet him, he stood out. He wasn't just any time traveller, he, like how I am to him, is the only reason why we are here.

Just as he raised his arm the slightest, I somehow already saw it coming long before it came, complying with his moves. With our interlocked hands above us, I spin out of his arms with the grace of a real trained dancer without ever actually practising for it. Abruptly yet predicted, he pulls me from the twirl and back to him.

With a spin in the opposite direction, I found myself straight back into his reach. With my back against his chest, he wraps his free arm around my waist. My eyelids curtains in halves, savouring the moment in every way. I looked up to see his face, as his warm charming smile sends comfort through me.

My hand impulsively reaches and places itself on his cheek, feeling the familiar softness of it. He cherishingly accepts my hand, staring into me with more than just adore. Finally, he broke the streak of speechlessness, opening his mouth to speak. "Through all of the galaxies, universes, timelines, worlds and the countless beauty, wonders, and mysteries, nothing else could ever compare to you. I..."

All of a sudden, he stops, freezing right where he had stopped talking. It took me a short moment to realise it, and soon I even realised that the entire room had frozen in time. Without any sign beforehand, the same type of doorway from earlier had opened up right in the room with me. It began attracting me just like last time, causing me to move out of the embrace of the man stuck in time. 

I approached the portal in a slow pace, making sure nothing abrupt happens that would surprise me. As I finally reached it, I could immediately see through it clearly. It was a man who had looked homeless and weak, face and beard all messy. The difference almost made him unrecognisable, but I knew it was him. I slowly and cautiously reached my hand into the portal, calling out his name.


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