Her Majesty

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The man of time with the cunning lady of the dark made their way back into the secret passageway and back up into the Queen's bedroom. They went there in the search of something, but they themselves were unsure of what they had to look for exactly. They search over and under, the sides and in-betweens of all the furniture in the room.

"What the hell are we even looking for?" Ash asked, looking under the bed the 4th time. "We have been searching for almost an hour yet you still haven't properly explained the actual object."

"Well, we're looking for something out of the ordinary. A button, or a switch of some kind that is hidden right in this room. It will lead us straight to the real Queen Elizabeth which will hopefully call off the execution." Zach replied while looking behind the same bookshelves again. 

"You mean like in the movies?" Ash said, realising how a simple task was only complicated by him. She begins the feel every object in the room with her hands, trying to sense any anomalies with her touch.

"Don't jest, you are really trying to imply that an alien with technologies beyond what you could imagine would use such a method as pulling a book from a shelf, or a pressure plate on a part of the wall, or-" 

"A button hidden inside of a bust?" Ash partially finished Zach's sentence as she had already pulled open a bust to reveal a button. Struck with surprise, Zach was proven wrong completely as he stared with a flabbergasted expression. Ash on the other hand was smirking as she crossed her arms, outsmarting the man who supposedly had more experience.

"Huh," Zach lets out right as he approached Ash and the button. He then places a finger on it, pressing it gently as he looked around the room, anticipating something. Soon, the wall beside the two of them opens up by retracting to the sides.

Behind those walls revealed the true Queen Elizabeth, held by the wrists to stand upright against metal walls. She stood unconscious, clearly in cryosleep with all the cold mist flowing out of the wall. As soon as it was processed into their mind, the two of them rushed to take off the restrain on the Queen's wrist and carried her over their shoulders.

Right as they took a few steps, the Queen had already begun to regain consciousness. She was mumbling something, trying to communicate despite her body not yet fully up and running. The two placed her onto her own bed, which only allowed her entire body to fully activate. 

"Those demons! Them and their trickery, they have a nest, we need to warn the people befor-" The Queen exclaimed after recovering the memories she had before the cryosleep. The visions of her getting forcefully handled and used by those creatures from earlier."

"Your majesty please calm down, you had just woken up from a very delicate procedure and need to rest. And for those "demons" and its nest, they have already been dealt with." Zach reassured the Queen, laying her back on the bed. The monarch retaliates, getting off the bed despite his advice.

"And who might you two be? I do not recognise you as the docto-" Elizabeth was looking back and forward between them but stopped herself and stared into Zach's eyes. Her eyes slightly squint, pulling herself closer to him to get a better look. "Sir Baker? Is that you?"

She placed the palm of her hand on his cheek, caressing it as she continued to stare into his eyes. "You've finally returned to me..."

Zach immediately pulled away from her grasp as Ash looked at the two of them in a cloud of confusion and disgust. Zach laughed nervously and cautiously, he was well aware that this would happen. He then tried to hint to her, "Your majesty, I'm afraid you misunderstood, you see..."

Zach proceeded to wrap his arm around Ash's waist, holding her close to him to show the status of his relationship. As he did it, Ash wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled him closer, making sure she gets the message.

"Ah, I see..." The monarch gets up from the bed, slowly approaching the both of them. Her eyes scanned Ash up and down with her eyes, sometimes she does it with the pair "... So this is the mutt that you chose over me, the Queen herself? What does this disgusting low-life even have that I don't? Have you no shame picking someone like her over me? Is this supposed to be some insult?"

The Queen's berating was agitating, infuriating, and blood boiling, to say the least, but Ash kept her cool as she knew that she needed to stay on her best side to request Elizabeth to call off the execution. However, she took a glimpse at his blond-haired partner to see that with his eyebrows furrowed and his jaws clenched, something was going on in his mind. He lets go of the hand of his lover and slowly approached Queen Elizabeth, causing her to slightly retreat from her once dominant stance.

"That's enough now, don't you think? All of that comes from someone who is born into royalty and raised pampered with all the food that could have fed your entire kingdom while the poor stays in the dirt. I may respect the royals but that does not change the fact that you all are pathetic useless lots that sit and do nothing but eating the money of the working class" Zach approached her more and more as she backs away until she eventually was against the wall with nowhere else to go. "I do not care which stupid overfed family you are from but when you speak to Ash, you speak with respect and awareness of her importance."

"H-how dare you to speak to me like that, I am still your Queen!" Elizabeth stuttered, almost choking on the intimidation as Zach's figure towered over her.

"My Queen?" Zach scoffs at her weak attempt at threatening him, slowly returning back to his lover. "Your reign is temporary and limited, hers are for eternity and infinity. By your command, you could destroy a few villages at best on a planet that, may I be honest, is insignificant in the true scale of things. By her command, she could collapse reality itself"

 "She is the queen of time and space, the wife of a time traveller more than you'll ever desire," Zach said, wrapping his arms around her hips and staring into her eyes. "Her ability and beauty had bewitched me, and no one will ever be able to do the same."

Ash smirked at his words, leaning in as he does for a short kiss on the lips. Queen Elizabeth was left to exhale upsettingly, dissatisfied with how it went but still somehow understanding. "I see you really value her, I guess there is nothing I am able to do of it."

The two of them then break apart, allowing Ash to ask the Queen, "So, can you call of Mary's execution that was ordered by the demon?"

"The demon? They were not the ones who ordered it, I did." Queen Elizabeth replied sternly.

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