Scorching End

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At a time long before Ash had found out about Zach's adventures, there had been many times Zach had to face the possibility of his end. All of it, he was determined to survive and fought all the way to the end. All of it, except once. 

Once upon a time, there was a man, more specifically, a man with golden hair. He was known by many throughout space and even time. His stories varies, some are true, some are based on true tales, while some were even fabricated out of wild imaginations. Some see him as a hero, a villain, a fighter or a lover, a mystery, the saviour, the watcher, a legend of fiction, or even the lone god. Some even speculated that he may be the origin of the phrase, "Time is gold, time is money."

However, this infamy brings burden to the man. Constantly, he was hunted for many things. Whether that a civilisation who believed they were done wrong by him, or accuse of him of doing something that is completely fictitious. Maybe a bounty on his head, or his value that would fit the classiest of galactical museums. 

Whatever are the reasons, he is always being hunted by someone. One of them being the Void Sailors, one of the biggest groups of space pirates in the galaxies. They had just discovered the possibilities of time travel and how limiting space travel truly is. Having the ability to travel a fourth dimension would truly give them the power they need to gain it all. They had achieved time travel soon after, but only to a very limited extent. They needed more, which is what Zach exactly had.

For an entire century, they had chased this man down. Lives were used up like grains of rice just to catch this man, they were willing to sacrifice the entire clan just to get him. Numbers that reached up to millions were said to be killed by him. He travelled from planets to planets, systems to systems, galaxies, and even time, but they always catch up eventually. This game of cat and mouse went on to make more stories, which only helped the Void Sailors track him down.

Until one hot day, with a Zach that had grown weary and battle-worn, they have finally caught up with him on Cothides. The planet of barren deserts that was once filled with life. They took him and tortured him in the most painful way that was physically possible for days. They enjoyed every second of it, taking vengeance for their fallen brethren that had died trying to catch him.  As they took what they wanted, they cut open wounds that are not fatal and they left him on the empty hot planet for him to die a long and painful death. 

For a long time he was laid on the dunes, uncertain of it all. Uncertain what he was going to do, uncertain if he has the energy to go on, uncertain where to go, or if he even wants to do anything. The scorching hot sand was sticking into his wounds, making his torturous existence even worse.




The once bright white space, had gone dim. The two man sat right in front of each other, looking completely defeated and exhausted.

Well... What is there to do now? I'm not sure about you, but... I'm tired.

Several thousand... That's enough years for a single life, isn't it?

Exactly, what is there left? We have cheated death so much already.

Not this time, I guess.

 Oh the grim reaper catches up eventually.

I guess there is really no way out of this huh?

Hahah, nope! It's really the end now.

We had a good run, haven't we?

...Sweet dreams.

The two man slowly closed their eyes, giving in to the exhaustion. They knew what will happen if they do, but they were accepting it with open, somnambulant arms. The surroundings began to darken than it already was, shutting down everything that had ever existed here.


In the darkness, a warm purple glow had appeared out of nowhere. The glow was being emitted by this human figure. The figure was facing the other way and had beautiful long wavy raven hair. It was wearing a beautiful purple dress that seemed familiar, it was the gift Zach had given Ash on their first anniversary.


How... How will she know what had happened to us? We can't just... I haven't said goodbye.

She is waiting for my return, she will be waiting for me forever. I have to...

She's expecting me... 

Zach's eyes shoot open, the thought of Ash, his beloved, waiting for him while unknowing of his fate, it awakens him. Despite all the pain, he pushes through. Despite the alluring desire of ending it, he pushes through. He growled and grunted in pain as he pulled his limbs together trying to get himself up. He needed to return to her, he can't leave her just yet. He will come home for her, no matter what.

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