Chapter 17

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Ni'awtu and Lo'ak are sat in the marui when Aonung walks in.

"Have you seen Käseyla? I can't seem to find her anywhere" Aonung says.

"She is probably with Tsyal and Pähem" Ni'awtu says.

"Is everything alright?" Lo'ak asks, standing up.

"Tsyal and Pähem are nowhere to be found either" Aonung replies. 

Ni'awtu immediately stands up.

"What do you mean? They said they were just going out for a ride on their Ilu's and then they were going to hang around by the sea. Are you sure you have checked everywhere?" Ni'awtu asks.

He nods, "I've been from top to bottom and the three of them are nowhere to be found."

"I need to find the twins" Ni'awtu begins to panic and run out.

But before she could look for them, she sees Atan walking with them in her direction.

"Ro'a! Ri'a!" She shouts and runs to them, bending down.

"Is everything alright? Are you both okay?" She asks them, one hand cupping Ro'a's cheek and the other cupping Ri'as.

"Mother, what are you so worried about?" Atan asks.

She stands up, about to speak, when Neteyam and Tox come running towards her.

"We've checked through the forest. There's no sign of them" Neteyam says, as his chest shows that he's been running, with the intense movement of it going up and down.

"Mother what's going on?" What's happening?" Atan asks, now looking concerned.

"Ro'a. Ri'a. Go inside to your father" Ni'awtu makes them go into the marui.

She then looks at Atan.

"Your sister Tsyal. Her, Pähem and Käseyla are missing" Ni'awtu tells him.

"They have not returned?" Atan whispers to himself but Ni'awtu hears him.

"What do you mean? Do you know where they went?" Ni'awtu asks.

Atan looks up at her.

"Atan be honest with me" Ni'awtu says in a stern voice.

"Mother. I tried to tell them but they did not listen to me. And they have gone outside the reef" Atan says.

The look in Ni'awtu's eyes changed. From stern to now scared. Afraid.

"Lo'ak!" She shouts and turns around, seeing him walk out with Aonung.

"They've gone outside the reef" Ni'awtu says to him.

They both look at each other.
"I know a quick way. Come on!" Käseyla shouts as they're riding away from the demon ship.

Tsyal looks back, seeing that it is still following them.

As they ride their Ilu's under water, Tsyal feels a light from behind her.

She turns her head and sees that the light is coming from the Mako Submersible's.

Tsyal then rides forward, pulling Käseyla and Pähem's arms, showing them that there are humans after them.

Pähem makes the girls go first, letting them swim ahead whilst he tries to distract those inside the Mako.

He swims in a different direction, getting the Mako to follow him, so that it does not follow the girls.

Both Tsyal and Käseyla find somewhere to hide, coming up into the shore as gasping for air.

Without hesitation, Tsyal speaks through her throat microphone to Lo'ak.

"Father. Can you hear me?" Tsyal says.

Lo'ak hears Tsyal and puts his hand over Ni'awtu's shoulder.

"Daughter what's going on? Why have you gone outside the reef?" Lo'ak says.

Ni'awtu immediately puts her ear piece in.

"Before you tell Atan off, it was not his fault. It was my fault. I didn't listen and I'm sorry. But there's this ship out here. And I've lost Pähem and I have no idea what to do" Tsyal says, as her voice is shaky.

"Is Käseyla with you too?" Lo'ak asks.

"Yes she is" Tsyal replies.

Ni'awtu turns around to Aonung, "they've gone outside the reef."

Aonung runs to go find the other hunters.

"Daughter listen to me. Do not be afraid. You stay hidden and do not engage, we're coming" Lo'ak says to her.

He then looks to Atan.

"I am coming with you father" Atan says.

"No you are not" Lo'ak says.

"Father im a warrior. I am allowed to fight. Most importantly, Tsyal and Pähem are out there. Käseyla too. I must go" Atan says.

They see Tsireya come towards them.

"I'll take the twins. Go" Tsireya says to Ni'awtu.

Ni'awtu calls the kids out, making them go with Tsireya.

"Mommy what's going on?" Ro'a asks.

"You stay with aunt Tsireya. We will be back I promise" Ni'awtu says.

"Come on we gotta go!" Lo'ak shouts.

She kisses both Ro'a and Ri'a on the head before running into their marui.

Ni'awtu then gets a gun, loading it up and putting the strap on over her.

Lo'ak does the same, having an extra straps with more bullets to load and a spear knife.

Ni'awtu gets out a bag which has her arrows in.

She puts it on her back and then turns to look at Lo'ak.

They could both see the fear in each others eyes.

Atan walks in with a gun strapped to him and he was holding onto three hunting spear knifes and an axe.

"Let's go get them back" Lo'ak says to Ni'awtu and Pähem.

They run out.

Lo'ak jumps onto a Skimwing and Atan gets onto an ilu.

Ni'awtu calls for her Ikran and gets on.

Neteyam gets onto an ilu too and Tox calls for his Ikran.
"We've gotta continue to swim somewhere. We cannot stay here" Tsyal says to Käseyla.

"Where will we go?" Käseyla asks.

"Follow me" Tsyal takes her hand and they go back under water again.

They swim down and swim towards their right.

Tsyal then sees Pähem, get attacked as he gets caught in a net.

Tsyal puts her hand out to him, almost as though she was going to swim towards him.

Käseyla stops her, and shakes her head no, telling Tsyal not to go after them.

She then grabs Tsyal's hand, taking her somewhere to hide.

They come near a rock, covered under one of the three big stones.

"Keep your back pressed against this and stay hidden. They will not find you" Käseyla says.

"But Pähem" Tsyal begins to get worried.

"Pähem is a strong boy. He will be okay. And your parents and everyone else is on their way to come to us. Everything will be okay" Käseyla holds onto Tsyal's hand.

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