Chapter 7

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"Tsireya!" Lo'ak calls out as he's looking for her.

"Tsireya, where are you?! Aonung is looking for you!" Lo'ak calls out again.

"Aonung is looking for me. Not even him. So why should I answer" Tsireya sighs and looks away.

"Tsireya we're worried about you. Please, where are you?" Lo'ak calls out more gently but loud for Tsireya to hear.

Hearing that he was worried, made Tsireya shout back, "Lo'ak! Im over here!"

He turns in the direction of her voice and sees her sat on a rock. He swims his Skimwing to her.

When he gets to her, Lo'ak sees that Tsireya had injured her leg.

"What did you do to yourself?" Lo'ak asks.

"It was an accident. I don't want to explain" Tsireya looks down embarrassed.

"Fine. Just get on the back so I can take you back. You have Aonung worried sick about you" Lo'ak says.

"Well if he is worried then why didn't he come out to find me?" Tsireya asks.

"Because he didn't know which way you went. You could have at least told him if you're going out so late at night. And anyways, you know Aonung. When he panicks, he doesn't think straight" Lo'ak says.

"So you do care about me" Tsireya whispers.

"Of course I do Tsireya, you are my friend" Lo'ak replies.

"Will you stop saying I'm your friend?" Tsireya says in an annoyed tone.

But Lo'ak ignores her, "just hurry up and get on."

She does as he says and gets on, putting her arms around Lo'ak's waist and resting her head on his back.
Aonung's mate had decided to go back to the marui because she was afraid to leave Käseyla behind on her own.

Rotxo also went back as he didn't want to leave his grandma on her own.

Leaving both Aonung and Ni'awtu waiting.

"I'm sorry about everything. I know you probably just want to go with Lo'ak and go to bed" Aonung says.

She shakes her head no, "it's fine. I can wait. At least now Tsireya will be safe."

It goes silent between the two.

"So your mate. You must be happy to have a family" Ni'awtu says to Aonung.

"I guess" he sighs.

"I guess? That doesn't sound very convincing" Ni'awtu tells Aonung.

"Well, me and my mate didn't really chose each other. My parents chose her. We don't have feelings for other but we didn't have much of a choice. So we just kept it civil, had one child, and that's it really" Aonung says.

Ni'awtu nods, "ah."

"Don't feel awkward. It's fine" Aonung reassures her.

He then looks at her, "you seem happy with Lo'ak. And your kids. It's very pleasant to see."

Ni'awtu smiles and nods, "my kids are everything to me. The way I was bought up and the parents I had, I knew I would never make the mistakes they did. And now I have the family I need."

"What about your brother? Tox?" Aonung asks.

Ni'awtu sighs and looks down, "I miss him. Almost every day. I think about him so much so that it kills me. But I can't do anything. I can't bring him here with me. He was obligated to stay there since he was going through his warrior training."

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