Chapter 2

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smut alert

Atan finds Tsyal, sat with Pähem.

"Pähem" Atan calls out to him.

He looks up at Atan and quickly stands up.

"I'm guessing you want to talk to her" Pähem says.
Atan nods.

Pähem nods back and then leaves.

Atan sits down next to Tsyal.

"Hey" Atan says to Tsyal.

"Hi" Tsyal replies back.

"Tsyal don't be mad at me. Im sorry for leaving you out. I didn't realise" Atan says.

"It's not just that. Im just, scared" Tsyal says.

"Of what?" Atan asks her.

She sighs, looking down, "you're going to think im stupid."
Atan puts his arm around her.

"Hey your my sister. And I love you. Nothing you say is stupid" Atan says to her.

"Im scared that we'll grow apart" Tsyal then looks up at Atan, "you've been the one friend I've had since we were kids. I don't want to lose you."

"Oh Tsyal" Atan hugs her.

"You are my baby sister. I will never grow apart from you. We've been with each other since day one. I promise, no one will replace you" Atan says.

"You promise?" Tsyal says.

Atan nods, "I promise."

Tsyal smiles.

They pull away from the hug.

"So, Käseyla. You like her?" Tsyal asks.

Atan blushes.
Tsyal laughs.

"So you do!" Tsyal shouts and hits his arm playfully.

"She is very beautiful. She has this hair that's just" He closes his eyes and puts his hands near his chest, smiling.

He opens his eyes again, looking back at Tsyal, "and her eyes are so blue. So perfect. It's like the ocean!"

Tsyal laughs, "does she know?"

"Of course not. Her father is scary, I do not want to risk that" Atan says.
"Pähem, do you mind hanging out with the twins?" Ni'awtu asks him.

"Sure. I don't mind" Pähem stands up.

"Ro'a. Ri'a" he puts his hands out to them.

Ro'a takes one hand to hold and Ri'a takes the other. They walk out with Pähem.

"Be safe! And don't trouble Pähem!" Lo'ak shouts, as he hears his two little girls giggling.

Ni'awtu gets up, closing the curtain of their marui.

"Why did you close it? It is not night yet" Lo'ak says to her.

She turns around and looks at him, "I know but, it's just the two of us now."

"Oh" Lo'ak lifts his eyes brows up and smiles.

"And we're all alone" Ni'awtu walks towards him slowly.

"And you love that don't you?" Lo'ak moves closer to her, meeting her in the middle of their marui.

Ni'awtu nods, as she puts her arms around his shoulders.

Lo'ak puts his arms around her waist.

"You know, you're very handsome for a dad who has four kids" Ni'awtu teases him.

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