Chapter 5

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Atan was sat outside next to Pähem, watching over the twins who were running around after one another, and Tsyal was hanging out with Käseyla.

She wanted to get along with her, so that she was able to spend more time with Käseyla and her brother.

"So you and my brother have seemed to become really close" Tsyal mentions to Käseyla.

She smiles and nods, "many people say he is a freak. An alien. Because he has four fingers. But I don't think he's a freak. He is very nice to me. Very caring, and patient."

"He is. My brother is known to always look after us. He will always put himself on the line and make sure we stay out of trouble and if worse comes to worse, he takes the blame for our mistakes because he does not want us to get in trouble. He has always been that way" Tsyal says to her.

Käseyla smiles, "it must be nice. Having someone as such. I don't really have that, since I'm the only child."

"I'm sure you'll have another sibling soon. Hopefully anyways. But we are all here too" Tsyal says to her.

She nods and smiles.

"It's nice. Seeing them get along" Atan says as he looks at Tsyal and Käseyla.

"I never thought I'd see the day of Tsyal smiling with Käseyla" Pähem says.

Atan laughs.

"There is something we should talk about" Pähem looks to Atan.

"What is it?" Pähem asks.

"I heard my mother and father talk last night. And they are worried about us being in danger. Mostly my father. And knowing that I'm a warrior, if something was to happen, I will chose to help and fight" Atan says to him.

Pähem nods.

"If anything were to happen to me, I need you to promise that you will take care of my sisters" Atan says.

"Atan" Pähem was shocked at his words.

"We cannot rule out the possibilities of what might happen. It's a dangerous fight against the sky people. And that devil of a brother that my mother has. So, I need you to promise me" Atan says.

Pähem nods, "I promise. But you are a strong warrior. You'll face it through."

"Well let's hope it does not come to anything bad" Pähem sighs.

"Hey look, it's that freak" a Metkayina boy walks past with his friend.

Atan chooses to ignore them. He did not want to start a fight because he knew who would win in the end.

"Hey, your hands look gross" The other friend looks at him in disgust.

"Leave us alone" Pähem stands up.

"Who are you? Don't tell us what to do" he pushes Pähem's shoulders.

Atan stands up, "do not push him like that."

"Oh big brother to the rescue" one of them says.

Tsyal turns around, seeing them and stands up, "oh no. Not again."

Käseyla sees them too and stands up, following her to go to them.

"Hey leave my brothers alone" Tsyal pushes the boy away.

"Ooh. Well aren't you sweet" he turns to look at Tsyal and smiles.

"What is going on?" Käseyla asks.

"Two of them. Two of us" He says to his friend and they both laugh.

This angers Atan.

"Ew" Käseyla looks at them in disgust.

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