chapter 1 : reaping and screaming

Start from the beginning

She looked across the crowd of unhappy and nervous children, yet her smile never faltered. "As usual, ladies first."

She walked towards the glass bowl of papers to her right. My name was only put in once. I never took more food, I never did anything wrong. There's no reason why I should get picked, right? There were many girls who took more of their rations than they should've.

She pulled out a nicely folded piece of paper, showing it off to the crowd of people. She ripped it open in front of the mic, unravelling it and clearing her throat.

I watched as she took a deep breath in before beginning. "Y/N L/N."

The name hadn't registered in my head. Every girl around began to look at me. A mix of sadness and relief filled their faces. 

"Where are you, dear?" She called out, for I didn't move from my spot.

I took it as a sign to start walking. My mind was filled with nothing, most likely me being in shock. As I made it out to the empty walkway, I heard a scream. Specifically my mothers.

I turned back, seeing my mom scream as Peacekeepers held her back.

"Y/N!" My mother screamed.

Peacekeepers began to emerge from the crowd as they began to walk me towards the Hall of Justice.

I hesitated with each step I took, praying that someone would volunteer for me. I didn't want to go. 

"Come on, dear!" She said as she gave me a smile, holding out her arm.

I walked up fairly quickly as she grabbed my arms, walking me to the front of the theater like space. 

I felt a tear roll down my eye as I looked at all the teenagers that could've been picked. How long was it til I fully broke?

The girls began to hold up three fingers, kissing them and then putting them in the air. A gesture of goodbye, but also the grief and anger towards the Capitol, for taking the innocent children.

"And now... for the boys" The lady begun, walking over to the other bowl of papers.

She didn't even hesitate when she opened the paper, but instead she cut straight to the chase.

"Atticus Soren"

The boys let out quick sighs as I saw Atticus become more tense. His emotion was horrified, scared of what might happen. Peacekeepers also guided him towards the front. 

I didn't know him well, but I did see him sometimes at school.

Atticus was 16, he had dark brown hair and was fairly tall. I would guess 5'9.

"Here we are! Our Tributes of District 12!" She said, bringing us back to reality.

Atticus and I stood completely still, not able to move one bit.

"Well go on, you two, shake hands" She said, touching the both of our arms to make us shake hands.

We both turned our heads, viewing each other. Light red circles were around my eyes, while Atticus looked to be on the verge of tears.

Atticus put out his hand for me to shake. We shook our hands quickly, before returning back to our frozen state.

"Happy Hunger Games!" The woman's voice said loudly. "And may the odds be ever in your favor"

She quickly lead us inside the Hall of Justice, the doors behind us closing quickly.

I stood looking out the window in the small room they put me in. The nerves started hitting as I realized what really was happening to me.

"You have three minutes" A mans voice said from behind me as the door opened. 

Before I could even see anything, my mom quickly rushed to me, embracing me in a hug.

"Oh I'm so sorry" She said through sobs as she hugged me.

"It's okay, I'll be okay" I reassured her. 

She stepped back, cupping my face in her hands.

"Y/N, you have to win this. Theres a chance you will win this. We taught you how to use a bow and daggers when you were young, you can do this, right?" She asked

"Yes, yes I can do this" I said, giving her a small smile. I was trying to reassure myself too. "I'll do my best" 

"Here, for good luck" She said, handing me a golden necklace in the shape of a butterfly.

"What?" I asked.

"Please, to keep you safe."

I allowed her to put it on before another Peacekeeper barged into the room. "Time"

"No! Y/N!" My mother yelled as she continued to hug me. Peacekeepers continuing to grab at her to get her off of me.

"Mom!" I yelled, but it was no use. "Mom, it'll be okay!" I called out out to her, knowing that it was too late. 

In only a matter of days I would most likely be killed.

i'm not trying to kill you ~ finnick odair x readerWhere stories live. Discover now