2: Collar Bound Project

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3rd person pov:

Dabi wakes to a throbing headache. As dabi reaches for his head. He sees an aspirin and a glass of water float infront of his face.

Dabi:"Thanks - eh?"

As he reaches for it. The realization that feathers brought it to him causes dabi to jolt back.

Hawks stands at the side of the couch Dabi's on.

Hawks:"Morning babe."

Dabi growls and swings his arm for a blast. Only nothing happens.

Dabi:"What the fu-"

Hawks chuckles and bends down. Once his face is close to Dabi's. Hawks raises a hand to grasp Dabi's chin. Before a gentle brush of his fingertips traces down Dabi's neck.

*jingle ding*

The sound of a bell can be heard. So in a frantic speed. Dabi reaches at his neck. Only to find a quirk neutralizing colar with a bell around his throat.

Hawks:"Now that that's over with. We can start our lives together."

Dabi pulls with all his might to break the collar. Causing Hawks to get impatient with him. So Hawks pins dabi down with feathers wrapped around his wrists and ankles.

Hawks:"Here's what's gonna happen. The public will see you as a villain that I'm trying to redeem. When in actuality you'll be my boyfriend."

Dabi:"You're crazy! I'm never going to go along with this. Once I'm free, you're a deadman."

Hawks:"You don't have a choice in this. I've already put things into place. See?"

Hawks shows news articles where Hawks was carrying dabi and telling the press.

<If you see him by himself. Please contact me. As he might be tempted to go back to his life of crime. I want to prove that villains can be saved. Given another chance at life to better themselves.>

Hawks:"You can't escape me. You're mine now."

Hawks releases dabi. Who then pushes Hawks away and runs for the front door. Only to be pulled back in by feathers and off the balcony.

Hawks:"Going up."

Dabi closes his eyes. Only to open them and find himself over six-hundred feet up in the air. Hawks has a feather under both of his arms holding him up.

Hawks flies infront of him and hovers.

Hawks:"You don't get it, do you. Heroes run society. If I say you're in a program. No one questions it. If you try to pain me as a villain. My fans will come after you for blood. The only escape you have is death. So what's it gonna be?"

Dabi:"You heroes are all the same. Power hungry, greedy bitches that don't give a fuck about anyone else. I would rather die than to date you. "

Hawks smirks.

Hawks:"Okay, I will."

The feathers drop dabi as he free falls. Dabi closes his eyes as blood drips from his scars.

Dabi:^Damn heroes, and to think I wanted to be one at one point in life.^ Looks like you won, enji todoroki."

The sudden stop in the air causes dabi to open his eyes. That's when he sees Hawks has caught him.

Hawks:"So you have a grudge with Endeavor? Now I know a little more about you babybird."

The soft smile Hawks gives causes dabi to pout.

Hawks:"Think of it this way. You have a roof over your head, warm showers, and all the food you could ever want. In exchange for cuddles and a public act. Who knows. It might play in your favor. What do you got to lose, really?"

Dabi sighs. So Hawks takes him to the bedroom and sets him on the bed before ruffling his hair.

Hawks:"That's a good boy. Now let me get you ready."

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