"He was protecting me!

-He didn't need to protect you because that was a blank bullet! Everything would have been okay if he had just stayed in his place."

I was going to fight back but suddenly the world started spinning around me and the last thing I heard was Bartholomew and Bonnie asking me if I was okay. The next second everything went dark and when I opened my eyes again I was lying in my bed. I didn't have time to understand what happened that Bartholomew came into my field of vision and smiled:

"Good nap?"

I tried getting up and Bartholomew tried helping me but I pushed him away.

"I didn't think that our brave kitten would faint after some action."

I really wanted to hit him but my head was still fuzzy and hearing me silent, Bartholomew went serious:

"Does your head hurt? Do you want water?

-I don't want anything from you.

-Why do I feel like I am the bad guy again?

-You are the reason why we had to go there.

-I never told you to come. And did I tell you to throw yourself in front of a gun?"

Bartholomew started getting angry again and his tone was getting louder and louder which made my ear ring but I was way too angry to pay any attention to it:

"What did you want me to do? Let you shoot Bonnie without saying anything?


-What is wrong with you? How could you shoot someone without any remorse?

-It was a blank bullet. She would have been fine.

-But she didn't know that, did she?

-Why do you care so much about her? You are the one who fainted!"

I suddenly realized that I did and blushed. How could I faint in front of this guy? That was so embarrassing.

"You should have listened to me and stayed here.

-Listen to you? What am I? Your dog? How can you be so full of yourself? You should have listened to me and left Bonnie alone! Do you think she would have been fine just because it wasn't a real bullet?

-I don't care! I don't care what she thinks and I don't care what happens to her.

-And how can you be so proud of that? You are a disgusting human being. I wish I had never met you."

Bartholomew stopped talking for some reason. I thought he would go on screaming but he seemed really hurt by my words for some reason. He just said that he didn't care what people thought so why did he look so sad now?

"You should get some rest. Call me if you need anything."

And just like that, he left. I had no idea what had just happened. Bartholomew was acting very differently from the story and I had no idea what was going on through his head. However I didn't really care what was going on up there. All I knew was that he was driving me crazy and I had to stay as far away from him as possible. Therefore I immediately got up and left my room, ready to leave all together. I knew that Bartholomew wasn't going to let Bonnie leave so I was ready to leave on my own. I walked out the room, walked to the entrance and as I was going to open the door, I paused. I couldn't do it. It was pitiful. I almost died but I still couldn't leave Bonnie behind. It was really frustrating and I wanted to punch the door but just sighed.

"I thought you were going to leave."

I jumped hearing someone behind me and found myself in front of Gardenia. She was smiling at me and looked quite amused by my anger:

"Do you need help opening that door maybe?"

I felt like she didn't like me for some reason but I could have just imagined things.

"No, thanks. I just wanted some fresh air but changed my mind.

-Too bad.


-You heard me. It would be best for you to leave as soon as you can.

-Okay... But I won't leave without Bonnie."

Gardenia rolled her eyes:

"And what can you do for her? She is in the best hands possible. You can rest assured.

-Best hands possible? Do you mean Bartholomew? How could he be the best hands possible? He is the opposite.

-You are ungrateful. Bartholomew took you two in when he didn't have to.

-What is wrong with you? He didn't take us in, he kidnapped us.

-Grow up. He wouldn't keep you here if that girl told him about what she knew. Can you blame him? She shows up suddenly right after Bartholomew has been shot and was about to get poisoned. Would you just let her go off without saying anything?

-That doesn't mean he can kidnap her! He should have told the cops and let them do their jobs.

-We can't trust the cops. They have never helped us.

-Are you just going to find an excuse for everything he does? This is taking friendship way too far.

-What right do you have to judge our friendship? Bartholomew, Zadimus and I have been friends for the last six years and nothing, especially no one, is going to get between us.

-That is ridiculous. Your friendship is not that deep."

Gardenia opened wide eyes.

"How dare you say that?

-What has Bartholomew done for you in those 6 years? You have been there for him all the time but not once has he done anything for you has he?

-Shut up.

-You know I'm right. Zadimus and you jump at his every call but has he ever thought about anyone else than himself? He is a selfish jerk and he would never put you first. Do you think he would answer your call if you needed his help?"

Gardenia was getting redder and redder but she couldn't answer because deep down she knew I was right.

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