"How can my kitten be so cute?

-It's not a big deal. I just sat down. Let it go.

-How can I let it go? Are you finally falling for me?

-I told you. I just sat down.

-Okay, okay. Let's say that's it.

-It is.

-I didn't say otherwise.

-Your tone is saying otherwise."

Bartholomew looked at me with innocent eyes but he was still smirking.

"Show me the pictures.

-Yes, sir."

Held tightly by Bartholomew, the latter raised the screen to my eyes and showed me his favorite pictures. There were 1036 pictures in total and he had marked almost half of them as his favorite ones.

"I love your smile in this one, you look so cute. And you look so beautiful in this one. And..."

I was listening to Bartholomew describe the pictures one after the other and something struck me. In all of these pictures I was looking at the photographer because he told us to look at him but Bartholomew didn't look away from me once. And the way he was looking at me was the same love filled eyes that made me uncomfortable at the beginning. Anyone would have seen just with a glance at these pictures that this man was madly in love with me and that made my eyes teary for some reason. Bartholomew immediately noticed my uneasiness and put his phone down before touching my forehead:

"Are you okay, kitten? Do you feel sleepy?

-Why are you so nice to me?"

Bartholomew frowned:

"Shouldn't partners be there for each other?

-What about the rest of my family?"

For some reason it felt as if this man was the first person to have ever been nice to me. And that was both sweet and sad.


Bartholomew looked away for some reason:

"You are not close to your family. They... They weren't very accepting of your sexuality. I am sorry, sweety.

-Oh... That's okay. What about your family?

-They were murdered."

My jaw almost dropped and that made Bartholomew laugh:

"You don't have to feel bad for me. It was a long time ago. I have you now and that's all that counts. But I have to admit that having you worry about me feels very good.

-Who killed them? If you don't mind telling me.

-I don't know. I have been looking for the killer all my life.

-I heard from Peridot that I didn't work but that I would come with you from time to time on your missions. Was that what we were doing? Was I helping you find the killer?

-Sometimes. I hated taking you with me because I would always worry that something would happen to you. But you never listened to me.

-We will find them. I know we will.

-Thank you. This means a lot to me."

Bartholomew suddenly got a notification and he jumped up when he saw the message. Me being still in his arms, Bartholomew lifted me suddenly and I screamed in surprise:


-The pictures are ready!"

He almost ran to the study with me still in his arms and I had to calm him down:

"Bartholomew, the pictures won't run away. Slow down."

Bartholomew stopped in his tracks against all odds and looked at me:

"Bartholomew is too long to say. You should call me Honey.

-I... I prefer Bartholomew for now.

-But my family was murdered."

I frowned:

"Are you really playing that card now?

-And I am not ashamed of it.

-You said it was a long time ago.

-That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt anymore.

-You are a manipulative snake.

-And you will call me Honey.

-Okay, Honey. Walk slowly to the study or I'll kick you."

Bartholomew started laughing:

"Yes, darling. Anything you say."

He did calm down but that was only for a few minutes. Bartholomew was untenable altogether and as soon as the pictures got sent, he printed all of them and bought a thousand frames to put them everywhere around the house. I immediately regretted saying yes to taking pictures and could see why my past self refused.

[BL] My enemy became my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now