"See? I don't have any choice.

-Then I'm coming too."

Bartholomew lost his smile for a second:

"You don't have to worry, your friend will be back in one piece.

-I won't worry if I come.

-I see that the two of you are very close despite saying that you met yesterday.

-We really did meet yesterday."

Bonnie didn't want to drag me into anything but I didn't care anymore. It was too late to care.

"Think what you want."

And just like that it was decided that I would come too. At two we got into the cars and the drive was very long. It was so long that we left the city and were now in the suburbs. Buildings turned into houses which then turned into fields. I was starting to get tired and seeing me battle against sleep, Bonnie proposed to me to sleep on her shoulder.

"Thank you."

I immediately fell asleep but when I woke up Bonnie's shoulder's felt higher than before. I looked up and jumped when I saw Bartholomew smiling at me. Where was Bonnie? Didn't I fall asleep on her shoulder? What was going on?

"Slept well?

-Where's Bonnie?"

Bartholomew didn't answer and frowned for some reason:

"We arrived, we should get out now."

I looked to the right and noticed that the car wasn't moving anymore. Bartholomew got out and came to my door to open it for me before extending his hand towards me but I didn't take it and got out on my own. The others were all standing next to the car and Bonnie was the fortunately. I immediately went up to her and wanted to ask if she was okay but Bartholomew didn't give us time and we followed him inside the deserted firm. It was very dark inside and I could barely make out the people in the back. In fact, I heard them before I saw them:

"We said three. Not three thirty."

The voice was very deep and I shuttered. I looked to the origin of the sound but still needed a few minutes to get used to the darkness. When I did I saw a small man without hair and with a thick beard. His smile was yellow and scary and his skin was very pale. He was the only one sitting because there was only one chair and the other around him were all standing, frowns on their faces. They looked very intimidating and I knew what they were capable of but Bartholomew didn't seem intimidated at all and only shrugged:

"I got lost in my kitten's eyes."

I really wanted to hit him but held back and that made Bartholomew smile.

"You seem in a good mood, Virion. Has something good happened to you lately?"

He shrugged again:

"It is always a pleasure to see you, Kallem.

-Pleasure is mutual, Virion. But maybe we should move on to business."

As soon as they started talking seriously, Bartholomew lost his smile and I couldn't help taking a step back. He looked terrifying without a smile and I regretted coming immediately. I should have stayed far away from him as much as I could. What was I doing here anyway? Bonnie didn't need my help. Everything would work out for her in the end and what could I do anyway? I should move on and live quietly or go back to my world if I could.

I was lost in thought and didn't really pay attention, when came the main act:

"How do we know that we can trust you?"

Bartholomew didn't seem to like that question and waited for what was coming next without having an expression on his face. Did he glitch? Was he rebooting?

"I have an idea."

Kallem looked at Bonnie and I knew what was coming. His look was so disgusting that I immediately jumped in front of her to protect her from that man:

"I see that you brought new faces with you tonight. That young lady looks delightful. Would you mind leaving her with us for a few hours?"

Bartholomew nodded and I was going to lose it:

"She is not staying here with these disgusting men."

Bonnie tried silencing me but Kallemn started laughing like a pig:

"Disgusting? Did you hear that boys? He called us disgusting."

Everyone followed him in his laughter:

"I mean, I can't say I disagree. Look at Eric. He is the most disgusting person I have ever seen."

More laughter. However the next second Kallem went completely serious and continued:

"Jokes apart, would you?"

Bartholomew nodded and I was ready to slap him:

"What is wrong with you? She is a human being. Not your plaything!"

I was completely ignored at this point and Kallem handed Bartholomew the gun as expected:

"What if I asked you to shoot her?"

[BL] My enemy became my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now