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"it suits you." i say to tracy as we walk to lunch together.

"yeah and my mom was totally cool with it. oh and by the way mason has been looking for you, he said he wants to talk to you." she says.

"well i don't want to talk to him." i say. "you saw what happened. why the fuck would evie think that's okay? it was so fucked up." i add.

"she was just goofing. don't be dramatic."

"dramatic? tracy are you insane? i watched your bestfriend flash my boyfriend. she knows me and mason are together. you seriously don't see how this is a problem?" i ask.

"i think you should just get over it, i mean if it upsets you this bad then you should just break up with mason. then you won't have to be in my house all the fucking time. you don't even hang out with my like you used to do when you would come over. all you do is sit in masons room with him." she says.

"tracy i literally hung out with you at the park. he's my boyfriend of course i'm gonna spend time with him. me and you didn't even know each other before i met him, and no i will not get over it. it was a fucked up thing for evie to do." i say.

"yeah whatever." tracy says before walking away from me.

"what the fuck is wrong with that family this week." i say before looking around for my two friends. i spot them at our table and walk over.

"hey guys."

"hi nova, mason came over a few minutes ago. he said when you get here to go talk to him by the water fountain. he's waiting there." haley says.

"great. my day just got better." i say sarcastically. i sigh and get up leaving my bag and lunch at the table. i walk down the path that leads to the water fountain. i see mason as i approach.

"what could you possibly want to talk about? how you looked in amazement at Evie Zamoras tits?" i ask.

"nova i didn't look on purpose, she was talking to me and then just did it. you were there. you saw it all." he explains.

"yeah, i saw how much you liked it. you don't have to lie to me mason. i can read you like a book. did you like it?"

"okay, yes. i'm sorry i know i shouldn't have but i can't control that. something like that is out of my control nova. but that doesn't matter, it was wrong and i apologize. evie doesn't even reach close to how much you mean to me. i would never do anything with evie, i swear to you."

"that doesn't matter mason. you said you liked it. it happened and it's over with. i think we should break up." i say looking away from him.

"what? nova, no. i don't wanna break up. not over something like this, i feel like a horrible person." he says.

"yeah, well so do i. bye mason. i'll see you later, maybe." i say before turning back around to go back to my friends.

i feel tears stream down my face as i approach my friends.

"oh no. what happened?" haley asks as i sit down.

"i broke up with him." i say.

"oh, sweetie i'm so sorry." jade says.

"don't cry over him, he's a dick who fucked up and deserves nothing." haley says trying to make my feel better.

"hey, i have an idea. let's go to the movies tonight. to get your mind off of things, okay?" jade asks.

"okay." i say wiping my tears away. i look over at mason, my now ex-boyfriend as he walks past to get to his friends. he looks over for a second or two before shaking his head and looking away.

"i'll pick you up at 7." jade says before getting up to throw her trash away.

"i'm so glad we're doing this. we haven't hung out, just the three of us, in such a long time. i'm excited. oh, wait nova. i have a question." haley says.

"what is it?" i ask.

"so now that you and mason aren't together does that mean we won't be getting our hair done by Mel?" she asks.

"what?" i ask completely forgetting how we said we'd go to her to get our hair done. "no, we can still go to her, we just have to wait for a time when mason and tracy both aren't home." i say.

"why both?" jade asks.

"well, i don't think me and tracy are friends anymore. i tried to talk to her about the evie thing and she defended her and told me i was being dramatic and needed to get over it. so i think our friendship might be close to coming to an end." i explain.

"well at-least if evie gets her to do anything else bad, you won't be there to feel like it's your fault anymore." haley says.

"your right, i can't stop being friends with her." ignoring the whole meaning of what haley said. "what if evie does make tracy do worse things? we might not be friends but i still care about her, she's like my younger sister. i watched her grow up i cant just let evie make her throw away her life like that. i'm gonna have to come up with some lame apology to get tracy to want to be friends with my still." i say.

"wow, you took what i said in a whole different direction." haley says.

"oh shoot, haley we gotta get to class, bye nova. see you at 7." jade says.

"bye guys." i say. i pull out a notebook from my bag. i have free period right now, so i can stay in the courtyard. i write down ideas of what i can say to tracy to apologize, in hopes of saving her before evie completely destroys her.

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