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It's lunch time at Portola middle school. Meaning the three "it" girls will finally be able to discuss their day without being interrupted by teachers and other students.

Novas POV:

It's lunch time. Finally. Haley, jade, and I walk to our unassigned but assigned table together with our lunch trays in our hands.

"Did you guys see Evie Zamora?" Jade asks, loud enough for me and Haley to hear but not for anyone else around us to hear.

"Oh my god, yeah, she looks so different. Like talk about a glow up." Haley responds.

"Watch out Nova, she might take your crown." Jade says sarcastically.

I flash a sealed lip smile with a small laugh in response, mostly staying silent as the other two girls discuss Evie. I on the other hand, look across the yard from my seat. My eyes wonder across all the tables until they land on Evie's table. I have to admit she did get hot over the summer. It kind of made me jealous. Yes popularity isn't important but to me it feels like the only thing I have right now. I don't want to seem like one of those bitchy mean girls from the movies that only care about their popularity and image. But really that's all I have to care about, and my friends of course. So I really don't want Evie to over shine me.

"Earth to nova." Haley says waving her hand in my face.

I snap out of my thought and my eyes flutter a few times as I jump slightly from Haley's hand.

"Huh." I say as I quickly turn my attention back to my two friends.

"I asked if you guys wanted to go to melrose tomorrow afternoon." Jade says. "Haley already agreed, I was just waiting on your response but it had seemed like you were more focused on Evie's table. You don't actually believe she's gonna takeover being the "it" girl from you, right?" Jade asks me.

"What, no. I don't think that. Besides she's a seventh grader. No seventh grader just randomly becomes the most popular girl in school, you have to work up to it. Like I did." I say flashing a smile, this one lasting a little bit long than the last one. "And yes, I would love to join you guys at melrose tomorrow after school." I say in response to Jade question.

"Perfect." She responds.

"I heard red balls just got those new jeans with the leopard fur." Haley says cheerfully.

"Not really fur right?" Jade asks. "Remember our pact we made."

"I don't think so, we can check tomorrow while we are there." Haley responds.

In 4th grade, after watching a video in class while learning about our environment we saw how horrible it is for animals when people want their fur. The three of us were so disgusted by it that we made a pact to never in our lives again to wear anything that has real animal fur as we wouldn't be able to bare with the pain the animals have to go through. I'd say it's a pretty good pact.

"Red balls has cute jewelry right? I need some new necklaces." I say.

"Yeah they do-" Haley says before getting cut off.

"I heard red balls, you guys are going to melrose?" Some blonde girl says stopping at our table.

"Tomorrow." Jade says, kind of suspicious of the random blonde girl.

"Oh really? Me and my friend are going to melrose tomorrow as well, maybe we can all shop together." She says before walking away. The three of us watch her as she walks away. Our eyes follow her as she approaches Evie's table and hugs her.

"How much you wanna bet her friend is Evie Zamora?" Jade asks sarcastically.

"Probably." I respond not looking away from their table.

"Hey maybe it's a good thing, we can all become friends. She seems like a nice girl." Haley says as she sticks a carrot on her mouth.

"I mean, she probably is so I guess it wouldn't hurt to try to become friends with her." I say. "Hey what time is it?" I question.

"Uh, 11:36." Haley says looking at her watch.

"Shit, already?" I ask as I realize I haven't eaten any of my lunch yet. "Whatever, even if I had enough time to eat this I wouldn't, it looks like horse shit." I say as I pick it up and walk over to the trash can to throw it away.

"It wasn't that bad." Haley says as I sit back down.

"You actually ate that?" I ask. "Haley, we don't even know what it was, like I couldn't even begin to guess what that was. It did not look like real human food." I say as a sigh at my slightly idiotic friend. She might not be the brightest but I still love her.

"Better hope you don't get sick girl." Jade says.

"I'll bring us some actual food tomorrow, sorry I couldn't yesterday or today." I say as the three of us stand up and throw our bags onto our shoulders.

"It's fine, you were busy after school yesterday. Besides if we eat breakfast, we shouldn't be too hungry by lunch, but a snack at-least could help. We definitely don't need a full course meal." Jade jokes. Jade likes to make jokes a lot, you could say she is the funny one of our group, sometimes her jokes are funny, sometimes they aren't but I always laugh at them, a genuine laugh because she's my best friend.

"I cant believe how much homework we have gotten and it's only the second day of school." I say annoyed as the three of us walking down the pathway.

"I know right, like we just got back from summer break, they could at-least wait more than two days." Jade says.

"We're gonna be so tired by the end of this week, I just know it." Haley says. "Hey, you guys. You know what. We should like think of something relaxing the three of us can do like the end of every week so we can calm our nerves and shit. Be zen." She says as she comes up with her idea on the spot.

"That's actually not a bad idea." I reply. "Masons mom is a hair stylist, maybe she could all give our hairs little makeovers, I mean we need it. We've all had the same hair since like what? 6th grade? 2 years of boring ass hair." I say.

"Yes." Haley squeals. "I've always wanted to add color to my hair. But like not something to vibrant, you know. But something that's like chic." She explains. "Maybe like a blue, or red, maybe even purple. Obviously like not dark, but light. Oooh like a pastel. But I fell like it wouldn't show up well in my hair unless it's dark but I don't want vibrant." Haley continues before jade cuts her off so she cant continue on about her hair.

"Okay miss Einstein with your ideas, we gotta get to class. Well I do, I don't know about you two. I'll see y'all later." Jade says before blowing us each a kiss.

"Why don't we slow down with the hair, we can decide this weekend." I say to Haley as we walk to our next class together.

Fallen Star - Mason Freeland | Thirteenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن