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You heard your door creek open and that immediately woke you up.
You looked around your room to see who was there.

But you saw no one only your door wide open.

"Strange" you whispered to your self.

Next thing you noticed a knife from behind was threatening to slice your throat wide open.

"W-Who are you!?" You said scared

"Shut up and come silently or ill kill you" a man's voice said.

'Ethan!?' You thought to yourself.

He motioned you to stand up and so you did.

You both walked in the freezing cold you didn't even have a jacket on, Ethan still held the knife to your throat.

You didn't have your dagger on you so you couldn't do anything about it.

Apparently you both made it to where you were going because you were now inside a building and you both came to a complete stop.

Birds started flying together to make a person.

Mother Miranda.

'Just what the hell is going on here!?' You were completely confused.

"I brought the girl you asked for, now let rose go!" Ethan exclaimed.

"You will have your daughter back soon Ethan Winters"

"Why am I here!?" You asked

"Because your what's called a vessel." She explained.

"I wanty daughter now!" Ethan yelled

The woman with the bird masked snapped her fingers and Ethan disappeared to somewhere else.

'Just what the fuck is going on, whats a vessel' your head hurt

Ravens started to fly around both you and Mother Miranda when they were gone you were in a different area.

The area you were in looked as if it were used for experimenting on the human body.

Mother Miranda moved to open a cage door.

"Get inside" she said in a monotone voice

"What!? No!" You backed away from the woman

"And here I thought you were trained well" she said grabbing you forcefully by your wrist.

You struggled against the woman.

"I wasn't trained to listen to you!" You yelled.

Mother Miranda threw you into the cell and locked the door.

"Let me out of here!!" You screamed

The woman just disappeared and left you to be alone.

Why was this happening to you, it just didn't make any sense.

[Alcina Dimitrescu POV]

'Now where is that maiden' I thought to myself

"Cassandra!" I yelled for my daughter.

"Yes mother" the girl appeared out of a swarm of bugs.

"The maiden is missing tell you sisters to look for her would you" I told her

"Of course mother" my beautiful daughter said then buzzed away.

'Maybe I should contact Mother Miranda' I reasoned then dialed her number.

"Mother Miranda" I spoke "my maiden has disappeared do you know anything about it?"

On the other side of the line the masked woman spoke

"What Ethan Winters didn't tell you?" The bird woman asked.

My voice lowered
"Didn't tell me what" I said in a dark tone

"He traded the vessel with the maiden since she would work also" Mother Miranda stated simply.

"WHAT!? Mother Miranda! I must protest!" I yelled.

I was angry about this, how dare she touch my maiden, she's mine! No one else's!

"Are you arguing with me?" The birded woman asked.

I grited my teeth, I'm not groveling this time.
"Yes, In fact I am, she is not for your use." I said in a unpleasant tone.

"I don't have time for this Dimitrescu goodbye"

"Do not hang-"

The phone clicked

'How dare she, she took my maiden and had the nerve to hang up on me!?' I thought angrily

I immediately headed to Mother Miranda's lair.

It seemed as though she wasn't here right now, I headed straight down to her labotry.

[Your POV again]

You heard the sound of heels clicking, was it that bird bitch again.

You backed up against the wall of your cell not feeling in the mood for being tested on.

The figure came into view

"Lady Dimitrescu!" You said excitedly the made your way towards the bars

"Yes dear, I'm going to need you to back up from the door for a minute" she said

You nodded then backed up again

The tall woman extended her claws and in one swift movement she sliced the door into shambles.

You quickly ran up to the countess and hugged her, the woman was obviously taken aback from this.

Once you realized what you had just done you let go and bowed.

"S-Sorry for my indecency my lady" you said as a slight blush appeared on your face.

The countess cuckled

"Oh darga mea i wouldn't mind if you did that more often" she smiled

You blushed more from the use of the nickname, you finally knew what it meant since you have been reading more Romanian books.

My darling is what it meant, why she had been calling you that you have no idea but you liked it.

The countess picked you up bridal style.

"It's quite cold out, and you humans can be a bit weak sometimes, so I'll be carrying you." She said.

Finally you both arrived back at the castle and the mistress sat you back down on the ground.

Immediately buzzing was heard then the girls appeared in front of you.

"Your back, are you alright?" Bela asked

"What happened to you I was worried!" Daniela said

"I guess I missed you a bit" Cassandra stated

"Now, now daughters, the maiden needs to rest, you can ask how she is later, understand?" She said

"Yes mother" all three of them said then dissappear into their swarm of bugs

"Are you alright darga mea did Miranda touch you at all?" The countess asked sounding worried

"No, not really" you responded

The mistress sighed in relief.

"Good now you must get some rest let's go" she said

You followed the countess, but instead of your room she brought you to hers.

"Lay down darga mea I'll be back later" she said then headed for the door

'I can't believe I'm going to be sleeping with Lady Dimitrescu!' You thought blushing soon you fell asleep while thinking about the countess.

Word count (1026)

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)Where stories live. Discover now