Obedient Pet

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After all of that with the Duke and Ethan you decided that it would be best now to clean Lady Dimitrescus chambers. So that's the first area you were headed to.

You started dusting on the first floor, you were almost done you just had one more vase to dust, when you were done dusting it you turned around to look at your work, but instead of your work you saw something else.

You were startled a little bit and looked up, Lady Dimitrescu.

'How long has she been standing there? And how did she sneak up behind me so soundless' you pondered.

You relaxed yourself after the fright.

"Did you need anything my lady?" You asked.

"Well I'm quite thirsty, -whats your name again?" The lady asked.

"It's Y/n my lady, would you like any particular drink?" You asked once more

"Why yes Y/n... your blood." The tall woman said with a sadistic smile.

And with that you obliged quickly no hesitation at all. You took out a small dagger that you kept in you pocket and slit your wrist.

This action surprised Lady Dimitrescu as no one has been ever so egar to please the mistress of house Dimitrescu.

But she gladly took your wrist bent down and started drinking your blood just as she did Ethan.

You winced at the pain but it was worth the sight to be completely honest.

When the lady was done she took a handkerchief and wiped her mouth.

"Did I please your expectations my lady?" You asked.

"Mmm, yes it's been a while since I have had untainted blood" she said

'Untainted what did she mean by that?' You questioned yourself

"You may continue your work maiden" the mistress said then proceeded to bend down through the door and exit her chambers.

After all of that you headed to the wine room to clean it but when you entered the upstairs hallway you saw broken vases everywhere.

'What the hell is going on here?' You were confused.

One thing you did know now you had to clean up more messes, you heard a smashing sound coming from the wine room and immediately headed in.

And who would've guessed, Ethan Winters.

"What are you doing!?" You said a little bit annoyed.

"I'm gathering items" he said simply

"By breaking vases?" You asked
Ethan just nodded

"Your making me do more work, I could possibly be killed if Lady Dimitrescu saw all these broken vases!" You exclaimed getting more annoyed.

"Well I need the suppli-" Ethan was cut short as swarms of bugs came into the room to form a person

It was Cassandra.

"is the maiden trying to team up with the manthing? Just wait until mother hears about this!" She said getting a bit excited.

"Lady Cassandra, I was simply trying to tell him to stop breaking vases" you tried to protest.

Cassandra looked around the room seeming to look for what you were talking about, her eyes layed onto the broken vase.

"Ugh, i was really in the mood for maidens blood today though" the girl complained

"Oh well at least I can have man blood" almost as soon as she said that she used her bugs to start attacking Ethan.

Ethan ran put of the room while being bit by the bugs and Cassandra chased him.

You sigh as you realized you had a ton of messes to clean up because of Ethan.

One hour later you had cleaned up most of the vases and only had one more to clean up.

You started picking up the glass pieces very carefully-

"What is going on here!? I demand answers!" An all too familiar voice boomed.

The sudden voice scared you half to death and you accidentally cut yourself with a piece of glass.

You winced at the pain coming from your hand.

"Well? Are you just going to sit there and waist my time?" The elegant voice called out.

You stood up and turned around then you looked up at your lady. Holding your hand tight to keep it from bleeding.

"I apologize for making you wait my lady-" You paused and looked at the rest of the shattered glass behind you. "Ethan had seemed to have escaped and had started breaking all the vases" you said sill not looking in her direction.

"Stupid manthing" you heard the mistress mutter. "Look me in the eyes when we're talking, it's quite rude." She commanded and your attention was now put back onto her.

"Im sorry my lady, I'll make sure to remember that." You said as you bowed your head.

"Give me your hand" the mistress said

You quickly extended the hand that had been bleeding out to her.

She took your hand and looked like she was resisting from drinking your blood, she then pulled out a couple of bandages and wrapped your had up.
She then dropped your hand when she was finished.

"You may continue your work pet" she said and with that you turned back around and continued to clean up the glass shatters, but you could still tell the mistress was still there behind you watching you as you cleaned, and that feeling made you nervous.

Soon you heard her walk away and you let out a deep breath that you hadn't known you were holding.

Word count (896)

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)Where stories live. Discover now