Getting Close

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You make your way to the countess personal chambers when you got there it was empty so you headed up stairs into the room that had the vanity in it.

When you walked in there the room was a wreck, by the looks of thing it seems as though the lady had thrown her vanity across the room

You got a closer look and the vanity itself was completely broken and there was glass shards all around it.

You went to grab a dust pan and cleaned up all of the glass and threw it in the trash.

You would have to buy a new replica of the vanity but you would do that later.

there was no way you would be even able to pick up the vanity at all so for now you just left it like that.

Since you were in your thoughts you haven't even heard the door to the balcony open.

Then someone violently grabbed your throat and slammed you against the wall.

You struggled to breath when you realized who it was Ethan Winters.

"W-Wha- *cough* are you.. doing??" You said trying to pry his hands off your neck.

"What am I doing!? No what are you doing!? You stabbed me!!" Ethan said filled to the brim with rage.

You tried taking a breath but it just wasn't working.

"Y-you *inhale* would've.. killed her!" you said still tugging at his hands.

"That-that, thing isn't even human!" He exclaimed.

The main door to the room slowly opened and both of your attention was immediately drawn to it.

Two hands were placed on each side of the door frame and then the figure ducked through the door, after they returned to their full height.

Lady Dimitrescu.

She looked over at the scene and saw Ethan choking you out.

Ethan immediately let go of you neck and took a step back.

You took a deep breath in trying to regain it you rubbed you throat after gaining you breath back.

"There you are!" The countess walked towards Ethan.
"All of this for a child who isn't even here!"

"What are yo-" Ethan was cut of by the sudden movement of the countess

She bent down and grabbed him by the throat.
You could see the anger in your mistress eyes.

"You ungrateful, selfish little wretch!" She exclaimed
"You come into MY home!" The countess slammed Ethan into the ground then slowly lifted him up a bit.

"You lay your filthy manhands on MY daughters!" She slammed him into the ground once more and lifted him up again.

"And now you try to touch MY property!?" She slammed him one last time into the ground.
"How. Dare. You!" With every word she pushed harder and harder into the ground making the floor break underneath him, he fell into the hole that was made.

"Rest while you can! Because I will hunt you, and I will break you!" The countess said.

Through that whole entire scene you just watched in astonishment.

But your brain was still stuck on the part where she called you her property, not that you minded but it was a bit surprising.

Alcina grunted and stood up, she grabbed a cigarette and placed it into her cigarette holder, super elegant.

She took a long drag of it and blew the smoke into the air, to be honest you thought she looked Hella hot when she did that.

You were just staring at her your eyes glistened from seeing the beauty in front of you.

"It's rude to stare dear" the countess looked down at you, snapping you out of transe.

"I apologize my lady" you said as you looked away a little embarrassed from her catching you staring.

The lady hummed.

"Let's go we have things to talk about, and it seems as though this room isn't the place to do so" the countess said looking at the ruined floor and broken vanity.

You and the countess walked all the way back to her room, when you two got there she sat in her chair.

"Come sit" the countess said pating her lap.

You stood there staring wide eyedly at the woman.

The countess huffed
"Well, are you just going to stand there?" She asked her patience running low.

You walked up to the lady and she picked you up and sat you on one of her legs.

Your heart rate shot up and you blushed at the sudden interaction.

You twirled your hair around you finger as you did alot when you were nervous.

"Scared?" The countess asked.

You looked into her eyes.

"N-No just a tad bit nervous" you stuttered.

The countess looked into you seeming to try and find anything to tell if you were lying, but she didn't see lies.

You weren't scared of her, yes she could be intimidating but in your opinion what was there to be scared of?

"Curious" the countess muttered "may I have a taste of your blood?" She asked

You nodded moving your hair out of the way and making your neck visible to her.

The tall vampire got close to your neck and you could feel her cold breath on it her breath sent shivers down your spine.

The countess kissed your neck and then bit into it, then she started drinking your blood.

The woman groaned in delight from tasting your blood once more.

She kept drinking for a while and you started to get a little light headed.

"My lady.." You said weakly and with that the countess finished drinking your blood and licked the remaining blood droplets that were on your neck.

"You should rest you just lost a significant amount of blood" the lady said and then adjusted you so that now she was holding you bridal style.

The mistress then stood up still holding you then layed you down on the bed.

"Good night darga mea" the countess said then kissed your forehead.

You immediately drifted off to sleep after that.

(Darga mea -> my darling)

Word count (1015)

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt