Betrayal & Injuries

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After a couple more hours of cleaning Daniela appeared from a swarm of bugs.

"Mother said you may eat now." Daniela said.

"Do you guys have any human food?" You asked her.

"No, you'll have to buy some from the Duke." She said then swarmed away

'Well that's just great' you thought to yourself then made your way to where the merchant was at.

"Why hello Y/n!" The Duke said enthusiastically. "Is there anything I can get you?" He said as you closed the door behind you.

"Yeah. Do you have any food" you asked walking up to his booth.

"Why yes, I have a wide arrangement of different types of food. Would you like anything particular?" He asked.

After a minute or two you finally picked out what you wanted and then made your way to the dinning room to eat.

You picked out a soup that you had always had eaten when you were a child.

You sat a the dinning table and ate, when suddenly a loud scream startled you. you stood up and looked at where it came from.

The kitchen, what was going on in there? you slowly drew out your dagger that still had your blood on it from earlier and made your way carefully to the kitchen.

when you entered you saw Ethan pointing a gun at Bela, the blond girl looked as If she were in pain, and when you looked to your right you saw why.

The window in the room was shattered, causing cold air to blow in.

"UGH! you stupid manthing!" Bela screamed at the blonde male.

You could tell she was weak and you acted with out thinking.

You threw the knife at Ethans leg making him fall to the ground and shout in agony.

He turned to look at you.

"Y/n!? What the hell are you doing!?" He just looked at you shocked.

You didn't respond as you didn't really understand it either, you rushed over to bela and grabbed her hand.

"C'mon we need to get out of this room" you said in a rush as you dragged her out of the room.

After a bit you both entered the main hall, you ushered the blonde girl to sit on the couch.

You light the fire place that was in front of the sofa and went to go get a blanket after you found one you came back and wrapped it around the girl.

"Are you alright miss Bela?" You asked.

The blonde girl just stared at you in confusion.

"Uhm, yes... but why did you do that instead of letting me die" bela asked

"Why wouldn't I? You haven't done anything to me to make me hate you" you said.

Bela seemed to look past you for a moment.

"Y/n watch out!!" The girl shouted
But you were to slow.

A loud bang was heard and you looked down at your side. Blood, you were shoot. You turned your head to see Ethan standing there gun in hand.

Everything started going black and you passed out falling to the floor from blood loss.

Word count (523)

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)Where stories live. Discover now