The Family Meeting

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You woke up in the morning and quickly got up to take a shower when you were done you got dressed into your maid outfit.

You sped walked to your lady's bed chambers and knocked twice.

An 'enter' could be heard from. The other side of the door and you quickly did so.

"My lady" you said and bowed.

The lady stood up from where she was sitting and headed towards you. She lifted your chin up with her index finger.

She hummed.

"My, my darga mea you look quite ravishing~" she said and dropped your chin

You looked away and blushed from the sudden complement.

"T-Thank you mistress" you said as you twirled your hair around your finger.

The countess looked quite amused because of how nervous you were right now.

You looked back up at those golden eyes, and a sudden confidence came over you.

"You look quite stunning your self my lady" you gave her a compliment.

The woman look surprised from what you had just said as she hasn't been complimented by a mortal in years.

Her eyes softened and for the first time you had seen her have an actual genuine smile on her lips.
That just made her more beautiful.

"Why thank you darga mea" she said

Whatever that saying meant you loved how it alawys rolled of your mistresses toung.

"Now, we must get going wouldn't want to be late" the tall vampire woman said.

She started to walk away and you quickly followed close behind.

you both were walking outside, making your way to the meeting place when you heard a low growl coming from the field you immediately turn to locate the sound, you saw the tall grass shuffle. you felt a large hand on your shoulder and it startled you, then you looked up.

it was just Lady Dimitrescu, you relaxed a bit.

"is there something wrong darga mea?" the countess asked.

"yeah I just thought I heard something" you said looking back into the field.

then you heard another growl it was louder and by the looks of it the lady heard it too.

"stay behind me." the tall woman said as she put one arm in front of you.

a lycan jumped out of the tall grass and growled, it tried jumping at you, but with a smooth and swift move of the hand the countess extracted her claws and sliced the lycan to shreds.

"what a wretch" the lady said under her breath. "lets keep going, stay close"

"could I hold your hand?" you asked not even thinking about what you just said

the countess looked baffled for a second but then she smiled.

"of course darga mea" she said and then gently grabbed your hand

you had to reach up of course because of how tall the woman was but it wasn't really a problem.

When you arrived at the place the countess let go of your hand and headed in side you were close behind.

She sat in the same chair you saw when you first saw the elegant woman, you decided to stand right next to her.

Soon the other lords started to enter the building.

the first one was a woman wearing all black including a black veil, it was Lady Beneviento.

After her Heisenberg entered then Moreau.

"Hey super-sized bitch" Heisenberg greeted the Lady

She just rolled her eyes then took a drag of her cigar.

"Oh how gouache" she responded, it seemed as though the only other lord that the lady seems contempt with is Lady Beneviento.

"I'm surprised you actually didn't eat your maiden this time" The man said

He then stood up and made his way towards you and leaned in.

"I can see why though, she is quite cute-" he said about to touch your face.

The countess extended her claws to stop him from getting any closer to you.

Her golden eyes pierced through the lord and he backed up, she then retracted her claws an grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto her leg.

She then put the hand that wasn't holding her cigar around your waist holding you still.

You were shocked and flustered by the sudden movement and you started fidgeting with your hair as you always did.

Her eyes were still stabbing daggers into the male threatening him.

He just sat back down silently

Thats when the mistress looked down at you and saw how ferociously you were blushing, it was quite amusing she let out a low chuckle.

You felt it erupt from her chest that's when you realized her brests were pressed up against your back.

You blushed even more, if that was even possible.

After a bit Mother Miranda started the meeting.

About an hour later the meeting ended and the lords started leaving, the count set you down on the ground and then stood up herself.

"Alcina" Mother Miranda called out.

"Yes Mother Miranda" Alcina responded.

"You've done a good job in training your maiden, you may leave now" she stated
And we proceeded to make our way out.

Once we were back at the castle all three of the lady's daughters swarmed her and started to compete for her attention.

The countess looked at you.

"You may start your chores now" she said and waved you off while her girls still agured.

You nodded an left.

As you started dusting you thoughts were loud.

Did you like the lady of house Dimitrescu? That was an easy one, yes of course you did.

But would she reciprocate those feelings that was the real question, no why would she.

'To her I'm just her next meal' you sighed becoming a bit upset

You continued to clean until it was time for dinner.

Word count (967)

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora