Finally Awake

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(A/N: we will be returning to your POV in this chapter, and thank you all for your support.)

You slowly opened your eyes and winced from the pain coming from your abdomen, you looked around the room and realized you had been in the countess room.

You tried to sit up but immediately gave up from how much pain it caused you.

The door opened and the lady bent down to enter the room as she stood up she rejusted her hat, when she was at her full height she looked over at you.

"Ah, your finally awake." The countess said.

"If you don't mind me asking how long have I been out my lady?" You asked.

"About a day dear" the countess walked towards you then stopped.
"Do you remember what happened?" She asked

"All I remember is that Ethan shot me after I saved Bela, I don't remember anything after that" you explained

"I wouldn't expect you to. That stupid manthing is still roaming around here somewhere, I would like you to be more careful." The woman demanded.

"Ofcourse my lady" you obliged

The countess then walked over to her desk and grabbed a glass and poured some kind of liquid into the cup. She then walked back over to you and handed you the cup.

"Drink" she commanded.

You were hesitant for a second but then chugged the weird liquid down.

"What was that?" You asked after finishing your drink.

"Medicine" the elegant woman said simply.

And you just nodded.

"Get some rest, I'll need you to get back to work as soon as possible because of the messes that wretch made." She said then left the room.

Two hours later you heard the sound of buzzing getting closer and closer.

You sat up when swarms of bugs flew into the room forming two of the Dimitrescus, Bela and Daniela.

Daniela stood there with a book in hand it looked like something you just might wanna read.

"Hey, Y/n" Bela said grabbing your attention.

"Yeah?" You responded kinda confused why these two were here.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay" Bela said.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, just in immense paid but hey, it'll subside" you said

"Here I got you something for saving Bela" the redhead spoke

"Oh you didn't have to-" you protested

"I know but I wanted to" the girl said then handed you the book.

You looked at the book cover
Dimitrescu Decedent's
The cover read it seemed to have all of the information of each and every Dimitrescu.

You looked up to Daniela
"Thank you it means a lot" you smiled
Daniela nodded in response.

"Come on sis mother said we could only stay for a little" Bela ushered Daniela
Then the two both walked out of the room and closed the doors.

Who knew that those two could actually be nice to a mere mortal, Cassandra on the other hand. Well she just wants your blood.

The next day all the pain coming from your abdomen has completely subsided so that means you were able to work again.

You were a bit nervous with Ethan running around you never knew he would resort to shooting you like that, but I mean you did stab him.

Lady Dimitrescu wrote a note that she left for you on her night stand, you picked it up and read it.

Good morning dear,
Sorry that I am not there in person right now but I am at an important family meeting.
I would like for you to get cleaned up then head to my personal chambers.

Signed Alcina Dimitrescu.

Alcina, such a beautiful name. Rolls off the tounge easy as well.

You immediately got cleaned up and dressed, then you started making your way to her chambers.

'I wonder what she wants' you asked yourself.

Word count (647)

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن