The Hunt

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It's been about three hours since you woke up from your slumber and had started working.

You had been getting materials for the floor in your lady's personal chambers since there had been a hole through it.

You also wanted to get the mistress a new vanity since she had broken hers, but you needed more Lei for that so for now fixing her floor would have to do.

After hours of working on the floor you stood up and wiped your forehead.

'Finally finished' you thought while being proud of your work you had just done.

Now all you needed to do was buy a new vanity, you doubted you had the money for it though.

Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by the soud of buzzing and you knew it was one of the countesses daughters.

Soon a swarm of the strange bugs flew into the room forming Cassandra.

"Hey maiden, whatcha doing?" She asked innocently though nothing about this girl is innocent.

"I was fixing the floor, I just finished" you responded.

"Hmm, well I'm bored.. wanna go hunting with me?" She buzzed

"Hunting? For humans?" You asked kind of confused by the request.

"Ofcourse not, there's no more to be hunted, I meant animals." The black haired girl huffed.

"Oh, uhm.. Sure I guess?" You answered a little baffled.

It was a little strange that Cassandra just randomly wanted to start hanging out with you, on normal days she would be chasing you by now just for the fun of it.

"Good, come on!" Cassandra said then grabbed your hand and led you outside with her.

It was one of the warmer days so she and her sisters were allowed outside today.

Once you were in the woods that's when you started tracking down animals, Cassandra had already killed 5.
You however hadn't killed any.

"Alright the next animal we find you have to kill" Cassandra said

"Me? Why?" You tried to protest
"I haven't even done any-" you were cut off by the girl.

"No excuses, if you can stab a mortal you can kill an animal." She reasoned as she crossed her arms not letting you get out of this.

You sighed.

"Alright fine" you reluctantly agreed

You both creeped in the bushes as you saw your next target, a wolf.

You looked at Cassandra.
"You expect me to kill a wolf?!" You whispered.

"Yes, do you have a weapon of some sort?" Cassandra asked

"A dagger, do I really have to do this?" You complained

"Yes now go!" The girl said then shoved you out of the bushes.

You quickly stood up and saw the wolf looking at you. It was in a defense stance and you heard a low growl come from it.

'God dammit' you thought to yourself.

You pulled out your dagger and got yourself in a stance just as the wolf did.

The wolf took the first move and pounced at you, you stopped it from biting your face by blocking with your knife.

You quickly pushed the wolf off you and got ready again, this time you charged at it then you jump on the wolf's back and put both hands in front of it, quickly slicing the wolf's throat.

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)Where stories live. Discover now