Meeting Ethan Winters

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You were out in the old church. after the lycans started attacking that's the place you started heading to first, when you got there it looked as If someone was in there only a few minutes before, you decided to hide out there Just in case the lycans came back.

Moments later you heard somthing inter the church and thought it was a lycan so you got into a fighting stance but instead of a lycan a man walked in, he was definitely not local, he had dirty blonde hair, and a jacket on. When he walked in it startled you

"Who are you?!" You asked staying alert

"Whoa, whoa calm down I'm not gonna hurt you" he said as you just kept your eyes on him making sure he wouldn't do anything.

You weren't one to trust men because of your past with them, boyfriends, friends- all the men in your life has betrayed and lied to you so you really weren't to fond of them.

"I asked you a question" you demanded

"I-im eathan winters I'm here to look for my daughter." He explained

You calmed down a bit after but you were still watching his every move.

"She was taken away from me, and people keep saying it was probably mother Miranda? Whoever that is" he ended his statment, though you didn't really care since you hadn't worshiped mother Miranda as others had.

your main focus was the Dimitrescus. though you never seen them before the name itself is beautiful, you didn't really care for the rumors about the family, even if they were true, you're just that devoted.

As you thought about it there was no way you would be able to survive by yourself, even though you didn't trust the man or really care for him you already decided.

"I can help you find her" you said even though you really didn't want to get involved.

"Really?!" He said surprised

"Yeah sure, where should we look first?" You asked

He walled outside and motioned you to follow, then he pointed at the castle.

"That's where" he said

You stood there wide eyed at him
"the dimitrescu castle" you thought.

you really didn't want to intrude but the thought of being eaten by a lycan was also not a fond one so you sighed and looked back at him

"Do you have the things for the door?" You asked

"Yea I do come on" he said

After opening the doors you both went inside just as Ethan was about to pull the lever a man walked in...

Word count (435)

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