Chapter Seven

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Ash's Pov:

I woke up to Lillie nudging my shoulder.

"What do you want Lillie?" I asked half asleep.

"What do you mean? If you don't get up now were going to be late!" She told me.

"What's the time then?" I asked still waking up from my sleep.

"8:30" She replied.

My eyes widened as I heard the time.

"8:30? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked as I got some of my clothes and ran into the bathroom.

"I tried multiple times but you wouldn't budge!" She shouted at me.

Once I had finished my shower and gotten dressed I realised I had 10 minutes left to eat breakfast.

"I think your going to have to skip breakfast Ash" Lillie told me.

"Fine, I'm going to have the biggest lunch ever" I replied as we started walking to lesson.

Tutor and Gym flew by and before I knew it I had break. 

I decided to walk with Gary and soon enough nearly everyone I knew was there. Misty, Dawn, Lillie, Brock, Gladion and of course myself.

Everyone was talking about their assignments and what to do about them and I listened with interest. As I listened I pieced together that Dawn was partnered up with Lillie, Misty was partnered up with Gary and Brock and Gladion were also partnered together.

"Ash you haven't spoken about your partner, who is it?" Dawn asked.

"Its Serena" I replied.

Before anyone said anything Gary shook my hand.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"Just proud of you Ashy boy, you finally learned how to speak to women" Gary said.

"I knew how to speak to women before I just didn't want to" I said.

"Yeah sure, do you want me to tell them what happened with you know who" He said as I instantly went red with embarrassment.

"Don't you dare" I said as I punched him in the arm.

"Damn okay I wont" He said while laughing and rubbing his arm.

Break finished and soon I had Pokémon training. As I walked through the door I saw Serena already sitting there. I sat down and before I could even open my bag I heard an announcement.

"Ash Ketchum report to the main office immediately!" I heard Cynthia say. 

I got up like the flash and headed for the main office. Once I got there I knocked on the door and was told to come in.

"Hello Ash Ketchum, please, take a seat" Cynthia said facing her window.

I sat down and gulped. 'Was I in trouble?' I questioned in my head.

"Now your probably wondering why your in here" She said turning to face me.

"Yeah" I said as I looked into her eyes.

"Well don't worry because your not in trouble, in fact you might like this news!" She said which seemed to clear the tension in the room.

"Will I?" I asked curiously. 

"Hopefully. I've decided to move you to a different dorm" She said.

I interrupted before she finished. "Why, did I do something wrong?" 

"No of course not, you've done everything right, I wanted to thank you for trying to communicate with Serena" She told me which just confused me even more.

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