Chapter One

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Ash's POV

I woke up with a massive grin on my face, It was finally the last week of school. I had to choose an academy and then do a test to see if I even get in, stupid right? I waddled downstairs and was greeted by my Mum and Mimey.

"Hello Ash darling, how did you sleep?" She asked.

"It was great, still a little tired though" I said.

"Well Mimey and I have made you some breakfast before school so hopefully you'll be less tired, especially since you'll be making a very important decision today" Delia said.

"Is it really that important though, like what is it going to do?" I asked not seeing any point in doing a test and going to a new academy. I already had an academy, Pallet town academy, not exactly grand like Kalos academy but it did its job.

"Young man we will not have this conversation again, you know you need good grades to be a Pokémon trainer or whatever it is you want to be, now stop complaining and eat up!" Delia said.

"Fine" I said as I rolled my eyes, I really hated school and didn't see why I needed good grades to be a Pokémon trainer, surely it can't be that hard can it?

I quickly finished my food and got dressed, I wore a blue jacket with a white stripe going down the middle, blue jeans and red trainers. After that I left to school, I was running late and I agreed to meet up with Gary at the school field the day before so I sprinted as quickly as I could and easily made it before the bell went.

"Hey Ashy boy its nice of you to finally show up" Gary said, putting me in a headlock and ruffling my hair.

"Gary stop that!" I shouted, maybe a little too loud.

"Geez calm down Ashy boy I'm just messing around, so what school are you gonna try and get in?" Gary asked me.

I wasn't even sure myself so I had to quickly make up an excuse.

"I-I e-er Kalos Academy" I said.

Wait am I serious, no ones going to believe Ash Ketchum from Pallet town would want to go to Kalos Academy.

"Really? That doesn't seem like something you'd try and get into" Gary told me.

"I'm more likely to get into Kalos Academy then you are into your crush" I said, bursting out laughing.

"Hey that's not funny Ashy boy, nor is it true" Gary said, punching my arm.

"Nah I'm pretty sure it's true" I say, almost chocking from laughing so much.

"Anyway, I'm thinking of trying to get into Kalos Academy as well Ashy boy" Gary said, diverting the conversation away from the joke I just made.

"Yeah, like you'd actually get in" I said, regaining my breathe back from laughing so hard.

"Wanna bet, whoever gets the highest score on the test wins, deal?" Gary asked.

I shook his hand and agreed to the bet, I knew none of us were likely to get into Kalos Academy so I don't know why I'm even attempting it.

The bell rang and we both headed towards our tutor room. Our teacher let us in and handed out a list of schools you can try to get into, In big red letters it says 'Kalos Academy' with little writing underneath it saying 'Very hard, if you attend public schools, don't even bother!' Well that fills me with so much hope. I ticked the box and handed the list back to the teacher at the same time as Gary. 

The teacher looked shocked. "Are you sure you want to attempt this?" 

"Of course I do" I said even though I really didn't want to.

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