What if you two went to the mall

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You two are walking inside the mall, holding hands, and you looked at him. His face are calmed yet you can tell that his giving the look saying ' don't look at my girl or else you won't see the sun tomorrow'. He looked at you and smiled.

"I'm happy that you agreed having a date in the mall, Akashi-kun." You said and hold his hand tighter.

He chuckled at bit, " I'll do anything for you." He move yours hands closed to his face and kissed the back of it.

"I already reserved us in a restaurant, shall we go?" He asked you.

You nod and made a big smile. You really love it when he's like this.



"Where should we go first?" You happily asked him while clinging in his arms. You asked him if can hang out with you today and he said yes, forced.

"Anything that has chairs. I'm tired walking around." He lazily said and yawn.

You pinched his arms that made him shout in pain. "Hmph! I'm going shopping. I need your help."

" Oh no." Aomine knows what's ahead of him. Girl shopping is not really fo him. You're just gonna ask him if this dress looks great on you or that one. The usual stuffs.

He groans in frustration. "Do I have to? Just by a dress or two then lets do something fun." He insisted.

"If you helped me, I'm going to buy you a new basketball shoes." You smirked. He can't resist new shoes.

"WHERE'S THAT STORE? LET'S GET THE PARTY STARTED BABY!" HE said and pulled into a dress shop.



-Let's just say you were crushed by his fangirls in the moment the two of you entered the mall and you decide to go home alone since he was too busy but to your shock, he went to your house and gave you a life-size bear saying 'I'm sorry and I love you'-



"I'm glad you still have time to accompany me here, Kuroko-kun." You gave a sweet smile.

"I'm glad that I made (Y/n)-chan smile again. I guess I am being too busy with the tournaments. I'm sorry if you felt lonely at those times."

You stopped walking and gave him a hug.

"I'm really happy." You said.

He hugged you back, "I'm happy that you're happy but.. It's a little awkward hugging in the middle of the mall. It's PDA." You quickly parted from the hug just to see few people staring at the two of you.

"Hehe. let's go get something to eat." You suggested while hiding your redden cheeks.

"(Y/n)-chan is so cute when she's embarrassed." He said and slightly smiled.



"Don't think anything about this. I only went to the mall with you is because I'm going to buy my lucky item in here." He said and adjusted his glasses.

"Midorima-kun, I haven't said a thing about you accompanying me here. You're being defensive." You teased and holds his hands.

He slightly blushed and looked at the other way.

"Shut up. Let's get this over with and go home." He said.

"You're being a killjoy, let's stay for a while and have some fun." You suggested.

"No. Let's go home immediately. Many accidents are happening inside the mall."

"So you're concerned that I might get hurt here?" Your heart beats started racing like it was going to go out of your chest.

"N-no! Of course not! I'm might just get into trouble if your parents know hat you were hurt under my supervision! Hurry up!" He walked fast and keep avoiding your gazes.




"Oh! There's a candy stand! Let's buy!" Murasakibara pulled you as he sees the stand.

After buying, he saw a cake shop and pulled you again inside it. Then he saw a shake stand, then another candy store and sweets shop.

"Look, look! (Y/c)-chin, I bought many sweets again." He said happily.

You giggle as you looked at him eating the gummy worms childishly.

"Remember to drink plenty of water after finishing those, Okay." You said.

"Yeah! If (Y/n)-chin said to do it, then I'll do it." He said and open the potato chips.



-gets irritated after her shoe strap got broken and her mom made her walk a whole mall and didn't bother buying her a nice pair of shoes to use-


Yeah that's life. You sometimes need to suffer.

And Reminder: Never walk a whole mall with a broken strap and heels.Trust me, you'll suffer a deep foot sickness. XD

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