Interview with Kise

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_In the Miracle Colisuem_

Ali-chan: WELCOOMMMMMEEE~ Here I am again, your Deadly yet Young of a Lady author, Ali-chan!! *no one cares* Okay fine -_-?... Anyway, as I was force to do this so let's welcome, THE PERFECT COPIER: KISE RYOUTA!

Kisses: *goes wild*

Kise: *pops confetti* Yey! My interview! Hi, Everybody! *sends flying Kiss*

Ali-chan: So since you forced me into this, shall we get going?

Kise: sure! I already prepared for this! (^o^)b

Ali-chan: Okay! So, the first question is: What is the first thing you copied perfectly?

Kise: Hmmmmm??First thing, you say? Oh! I remembered! Way back in 3rd grade, I perfectly copied all the answers of my seatmate! I was having a hard time answering every question so I copied his! And the teacher didn't even noticed it! \(^0^)/

Ali-chan: You sure pretty proud about cheating (-_-)....

Kise: Heyyy! It's an achievement for me! First thing I copied perfectly and I even got a high score because of that! ^.^

Ali-chan: Fine. Fine. Okay next question is: How do you handle your modelling career, your training and your fan girls finely?

Kise: Well that's a secret *winks*

Kisses: *faints*

Ali-chan: Just tell!

Kise: Okay -3-... Well I may not look like the guy who follows schedule but I sure do have one and I arrange them myself. I want everything to be handled smoothly especially my special time with my Fan girls. * sweet smile*

Ali-chan: Gosh! You're so fabulous! Ahem. I meant was, that is nice, Kisecchi. ( But seriously, who wouldn't fall to this hunk of junk? He is just so handsome to the core!) Anyway, you know my little sister TetsunaKunaku, right? She helped me with thinking some questions to ask you and she wants to ask this:

If you're going to pick one with the choices what would you ship, KazKuro (TesunaKuna and Kuroko) or AoKise?

Kise: WHAT! I CAN'T LET HER HAVE A COUPLE NAME WITH KUROKOCCHI!! AND ESPECIALLY, I AM NOT SHIPPING MYSELF WITH AOMINECCHI! Everybody knows how nice Kurokocchi is to me and how mean Aominechi is! Not picking! Not one! NEVAH! NEVER EVER! >:[

Ali-chan: Woah! Calm down, dude! It's just a question! Okay, next! How can you describe your life?

Kise: *cools down a bit* My life? I describe my life just like a cake!

Ali-chan: A cake? Has Mura-chan gotten into you?

Kise: No! That's just how I describe it! In order to make a wonderful cake or a wonderful life, you need to have different ingredients and my ingredients for a wonderful life is:

-Tons cup of happy memories

-some pinches of good friends

-infinite tablespoons of opportunities

- cups of basketball

-many Fan girls

and lastly, 1 Kurokocchi!

Ali-chan: Wow, didn't see that coming? But that sure is wonderful.

Kise: Hhm! I might be an idiot sometimes but I can deep, you know! (^.~)

Ali-chan: So for the last question, Am I cute?

Kise: Nooooooo~ Alicchi is beautiful on her on ways!

(In your face again, LivingDeadChosenOne!)

Ali-chan: I was just messing with you! The last question is: why are you so gay for Kuroko-kun?

Kise: I woudn't say that I'm 'gay' for Kurokocchi but I have a high respect for him that I just want him to notice how great I am now. He is the one who handled me way back in middle school but now that we're playing against each other and all I guess I just want to go back just like middle school. ^___^

Ali-chan: Awwww~ I'm glad you force me into this interview session, Kisecchi. Nice knowing you more!

Kise: Anything for the fans! Love you all, my sweet Kisses!

Ali-chan: That's all for this chap-

Kise: Oh I forgot! I brought some of my photobooks! I already signed it! Look at the volume 4 page 12 I look hot in there! Oh and volume 7 page 4 I look asdfghj bbyvhbmnmj......

Ali-chan: Oh shut up! See yah, guys. Next chapter! Byeee~

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