i always knew | fluff (w.m.)

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You walked through the doors and admired your surroundings. Wanda had finally opened her own spiritual and healing store. It had been her dream to run her own business for as long as you could remember. All throughout high school you would listen to her plans and ideas and to finally see it all come together was just magical. The magic energy that ran through the store enhanced your own magic, though not enough for you to lose control over it and expose yourself in front of everyone.

The air whispered through and you used it to sense Wanda's whereabouts so you could make your way towards her. Though you decided to take your time, admiring and mostly feeling the way the fire from the lit candles felt. You smiled, enjoying the feeling and being able to manipulate the flame in different but subtle ways. Getting carried away and lost in the flames you jumped when you felt two arms wrap around you from behind.

'Wands! You scared me!' Laughing it off as you quickly dropped your magic, letting the flame fall into its natural pattern before turning around to face her.

'You never told me you were coming today! Let me show you around,' Wanda grabbed your hand and dragged you around the store. You loved the feeling of her hand in yours while she talked and told you every little detail and fact that there was to tell you. She even offered to take you through some of her healing sessions. Wanda wanted to share as much of this as she could with you.

You were important to Wanda, even if she was afraid to tell you. She didn't want anything to change your friendship meant a lot to her. On the other hand, you were afraid to let Wanda in and show her your powers and who you were outside of the person she already knew. As Wanda was showing you around you kept picking up different things, mainly candles and anything that could hold a flame. All elementals had their favourite element and yours happened to be the fire element. You could relate to it in a way you couldn't with the other elements, it was always the strongest and you were always more drawn to it.

Wanda had to attend to customers in the store and you took the opportunity to buy the things you had picked up, 'Oh getting those for our future date,' Wanda's words caught you off guard. Your breath hitched and you got nervous not knowing how to answer. Wanda's own boldness caught her off guard, even if the way it came across sounded more like a joke, she was definitely serious and meant it.

'You know what,' Not knowing where this was coming from you decided to continue, after all it would only be 20 seconds of insane courage to spit it out, 'Yes, they are,' You smiled, 'Can I steal you away from here for a lunch date in a few days?' Wanda blushed when she realised you were being completely serious with her. She silently nodded, not being able to trust herself to form words before she had to excuse herself to help other customers. Wanda let out the breath she was holding when you weren't in sight anymore and wrapped her arms around herself smiling so wide anyone would think she was insane.

As soon as you left the building you leaned up against the wall on the outside. Your heart was beating insanely fast and you couldn't help but think how lucky you were for getting the most gorgeous woman to agree to a date with you. Having been friends with Wanda for so long you knew exactly what you wanted to do and where you were going to take her.

The day of the date came around faster than you thought, given it had only been two days since you proposed the idea and Wanda agreed to it. Your nerves were getting the better of you as you pulled up in front of her apartment.

'And they say chivalry is dead,' Wanda joked as you got out of the car and opened the door for her, 'So where are we going?' She had been trying to get the location out of you the last two days but you had managed to keep it a secret, much to your surprise and her annoyance.

'You'll see when we get there,' You smirked knowing how much Wanda hated not knowing where you were taking her.

After a small drive you arrived at the woodlands, the one that was known for its folk tales of being magical with lots of magical energy and magical creatures. You knew what everyone thought was just a tale, was actually all true. The woodlands could change its shape and nature depending on the presence it detected and as soon as you stepped out of the car there was a light that lit up the path you were going to take.

You grabbed a bag out of the car and held your hand out for Wanda to take, leading her along the path, 'You aren't taking me out here to kill me right?' She laughed as a joke but stopped when you hadn't answered her, 'Right?'

'Wands chill, if I was going to kill you I would've done it a long time ago,' Smiling at her ridiculousness and tightening your grip slightly. Wanda enjoyed the comfort from your firm grip and couldn't stop taking glances at your hands intertwined together and silently freaking out on the inside, 'Wait here while I get everything ready,' Wanda couldn't say no when you flashed your famous doe eyes at her and left around the other side of some bushes.

Wanda took in her surroundings. It was a beautiful area, she had come into these woodlands quite a bit though she had never seen it look as beautiful as it did with you around. There was a crystal clear flowing creek, the grass was as green as you could imagine grass, lots of little bugs and the plant life was unbelievable. She hadn't seen such things in this capacity. It was the woodland's way of telling her that you were a good one. That she was lucky to have someone like you in her life.

You coming back around and softly taking Wanda's hand again is what brought her back to reality. You gently led her around the corner and Wanda couldn't believe the sight in front of her. It was purely magical. No words could ever describe how beautiful everything was, 'Hey you really did use them for our date,' Wanda spotted the candles that you had bought from her store earlier that week, 'Want me to light them for you?' Wanda noticed they weren't lit but when she looked she couldn't find anything to light them with and that's when she turned to you.

'No it's okay, I uh, I'll just show you,' Your nerves could never bubble over when you were in your safe place, especially with all the energy around you, your magic could help keep you calm in moments like this. The further you were from here the less control it had over you. But you conjured together everything you had learnt so far and lit each candle individually. Playing around with the fire a little bit and doing small tricks that could potentially amaze Wanda instead of scaring her away.

Though when you looked at her she was staring back at you with nothing but admiration and amazement. You were confused that you didn't scare her away, it's the one reason you've always kept this to yourself, afraid you would scare everyone away until you had no one left. Wanda admired your courage for showing her. For letting her in as much as you just did. She felt special and would definitely treasure this knowledge no matter what.

'How- why are you not running away?' It was the one question that plagued your mind as you stood in front of Wanda.

She came closer to you, taking both of your hands in her own, 'I already knew. I had always known. I'm so proud of you for being able to share this with me. You are the most amazing and special person I've ever gotten to know,'

'Wait Wands, you knew? But how? Wait, was it the other day in your shop, no you said always knew. So how-' Your rambling was cut off by Wanda's lips on your own. You melted into her touch. It calmed your racing thoughts, all you could think about was Wanda and how her lips felt pressed against your own.

'I know all of the witches in town. My bloodline is kind of responsible for all of them in some way,' Wanda then took a step back and conjured her magic in her hands for you to see. Your face dropped and your eyes widened in surprise. You definitely should've paid more attention at your family meetings.

'I can't believe it. My potential girlfriend is the scarlet witch,' Now it was your turn to look at her with admiration and amazement.

'I think you mean, you're girlfriend,' Instantly noticed the lack of potential and your face burned as bright as Wanda's magic glowed. Even though it was the date you had set up, Wanda was the one to guide you to sit down on the picnic blanket. Your mind was fuzzy, only thoughts of Wanda and how she was now your girlfriend, that she even wanted to be yours and you be hers. Wanda the most powerful witch and you were becoming the most powerful elemental your family has ever seen. You were both a perfect pair.

You talked and shared laughter as you ate and afterwards you settled in between Wanda's legs, your back pressed against her front, 'I've never seen you look so relaxed,' She raked her fingers through your hair and placed small kisses along the side of your face.

'I guess you could say, I'm in my element,' 

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