collecting | fluff (n.r.)

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'Hey detka,' Natasha spoke softly so she didn't startle you. She had just come home from being at the compound for most of the day. Being met with silence in every part of the house until she found her way up to your office where she found you sitting on the ground with some books and small cards. She couldn't make out what it was but you quickly closed it as soon as Natasha spoke, 'What are you doing there?'

Natasha wasn't phased by your sudden movements. It wasn't the first time and she knew it wouldn't be the last. She knew you trusted her and she knew you just needed that extra reassurance in certain instances. She knelt down and wrapped her arms loosely around you, letting you lean into her as much as you wanted before she sat on the floor across from you.

The two of you sat in silence, you tapping your fingers in a certain rhythm while Natasha tapped on her phone occasionally glancing up and giving you a small smile even if you weren't looking at her, 'Can I hold your hand?' Natasha's voice was soft as she held out her hand. You gave her your hand and closed your eyes so all you could feel was her touch. Getting rid of some of your other senses, combined with focusing on Natasha, never failed to calm any nerves that were bubbling within.

'You're going to laugh and think it's silly. Everyone always does,' Your voice was timid as you recalled the times you'd let someone in or someone would find out about your little interests and hobbies. The ridicule you faced had you retreating within, only letting yourself know about your hobbies and interests. It was too much of a risk. A part of you knew that Natasha was different and that she was safe, she was your safe person. But another part couldn't let go of past memories and brought them up to try and keep you safe and free from more hurt.

'Love, I would never,' You smiled hearing Natasha's voice, opening your eyes as you looked towards your joined hands, 'I know that you know this, but I'll always tell you anyway. There's nothing you could say or do that would have me laughing or making fun of you. I am and always will be your number one supporter forever,'

You nodded, mainly to yourself, and took back your hand placing them both on your thighs before taking a deep breath and picking up the book that was in front of you, 'Only if you want to, okay?' Natasha was quick to add in, never wanting to pressure or push you to do anything you didn't want to do. She really was your number one supporter.

'I know Tasha, but I want to. I want to show you. It's important to me and you're important to me. Promise you won't laugh?' Natasha promised you and you made sure to look at her to make sure she wasn't lying. You weren't the best at reading people but with Natasha you had learnt little things that could tell you when she was being truthful compared to when she was lying. You mainly learnt these when she was talking to other people.

You opened the book and showed Natasha your little hobby. The book held little cards that had different dinosaurs on them, 'I've always loved dinosaurs. There's always so much to learn and always discovering new things about them. And I found this group, they hold events and like scavenger hunts with these cards as prizes,' You took a few out and showed her the facts that came with them while telling her even more facts that you knew about each dinosaur, 'I'm trying to collect them all, there's another event being held this weekend and it's not far from here,' Natasha smiled as she heard the excitement in your voice as you talked about the thing that you loved.

'These are all so cool and interesting. Can I hold and have a closer look at the cards?' Natasha asked, not wanting to overstep or make you feel uncomfortable. You nodded quickly and let her hold any that she wanted except for your favourite ones.

'These are my all time favourite dinosaurs. And I managed to collect them so quickly, I can't believe I got them. I feel so lucky having them,' Your smile grew while you looked at the cards in your hands.

'Detka, can you tell me about those ones? I've never heard of them before,' Natasha knew of the ones in your hands, she just wanted to hear you talk about them. She would never get tired of listening to you talk. The passion you held for certain things was just one of her favourite things about you.

You told Natasha every single fact you knew about each of your favourites. She let you talk for hours and you were just happy that someone was finally interested enough to let you do this with them. Natasha always made you feel important, that these weren't just silly facts or that this wasn't just a silly hobby. With her you always felt listened to. It was rare to find that in a person, but you were glad that these were the traits of your person.

'You said there was an event this weekend, right?' Natasha asked once you had finished filling her head with all of your knowledge.

'Yeah, this weekend. Only a little walk from here,' You replied while placing all the cards back into their respective places within your book you had for them.

'Would it be okay if I came to this event with you?' Natasha was slightly hesitant, not knowing how far you wanted to share this with her. She would be happy if you wanted to continue to do this alone but she wouldn't mind if you wanted her to join you.

'You would really like to be there? What if you got bored?' Your insecurities were starting to creep back through and Natasha could see it. It was in the way your furrowed your eyebrows. She knew a past memory was replaying, she knew that you never wanted anyone to be bored because you would think they were bored of you. With Natasha none of that would ever happen

'I could never get bored of doing things with you. I would love to be there if you would like me to. It could be fun, I'd get to hear all of your facts while getting to spend more time with my favourite person in all of the universes,' She made a dramatic gesture with her arms and drew out her words which made you laugh.

'I would love you to come with me this weekend. This is going to be fun. My favourite person and my favourite thing combined together. Couldn't be more perfect!' You exclaimed, bouncing in the spot you were sitting in. Not being able to contain your excitement and wanting the weekend to arrive already.

Natasha placed her hand on top of yours, 'I'll forever be your number one supporter, detka,'

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