i loved you | angst (n.r.)

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'Do you love her?' Natasha couldn't look at you, suddenly the floor was more interesting and that's how you knew the answer to your question, 'How long?' Your heart was slowly breaking the longer Natasha's silence lasted. 

'A few months,' You weren't surprised but that doesn't mean her admission didn't hurt you any less. The weight was crushing, 'But you knew that, didn't you?' Natasha whispered out as if she already knew the answer to her question. 

'How could I not?' It was obvious, to everyone. Natasha didn't hide how she felt towards Wanda. She stopped paying attention to you and put all of her energy and time into her relationship with Wanda. One that you tried your best to convince yourself it was just a close friendship, 'I noticed all the interactions. Did you really think I was dumb enough to not notice?'

'I never thought you were dumb,' Natasha crossed her arms defensively, offended that you would accuse her of that. You dryly laughed, you stopped believing Natasha from the moment she would assure you that there was nothing between Wanda, that she didn't have feelings for her the same way she had feelings for you.

Thinking back to that, it probably wasn't a lie. Her feelings for you and Wanda were different. You just wanted to believe that you meant something more to her than Wanda. Your heart was racing thinking back to all those interactions you had to witness. How Natasha would cook her favourite meals, how she would cuddle with her during movie nights and you were left to sit all alone watching them. The way they interacted in front of you as if they were the only ones in the room. 

'Did you ever love me or was I just someone to pass the time?' Yet you still had to ask the question you already knew. You needed closure, a way to move on after dealing with all this pain that Wanda caused you. Tears had welled in your eyes, threatening to fall but you wouldn't let them, not yet. It was harder to stay strong in front of her the longer it took for an answer, 'You never loved me,' you breathed out. You weren't going to get a definite answer but her silence spoke more truth than she ever could.

The ache in your chest was unbearable, you had to get away from here. Your attempt to leave was stopped, you noticed the Natasha's grip on your arm. Frustrated, you just wanted to get as far away from Natasha as you could. She was keeping you around almost as if your pain was entertainment. Unlucky for her in the time she didn't look at you, you spent it training your power being able to control it. With that you released a burst of sound knocking Natasha back and forcing her to release you. 

'You made me miserable but I still loved you,' 

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