not your day | fluff (n.r.)

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Today just wasn't your day. Nothing seemed to be going right. You knew it was going to be a rough day as soon as you couldn't find the right gear to take to training. You ended up being an hour late to training, instantly getting your ear chewed off about your lack of professionalism by your coach. 

Training was normally your favourite part of the day, especially after being selected for the rhythmic gymnastics olympic team. Though today it brought you nothing but pain. You just wanted today to be over and be back in Natasha's arms. But you still had a few more hours before training was over.

No matter what you did you weren't getting anything right and your coach made sure you knew it. You kept forgetting the choreography to your routine. You were half way through your routine when you fell out of your pirouette early once again.

'That's enough,' You stopped eyebrows furrowing in confusion as you looked at your coach, 'Go home Y/N, come back when you can manage the basics,' Out of embarrassment and frustration you quickly grabbed your bag and headed out the door. 

Natasha was startled by the sound of the front door slamming shut. You weren't meant to be home for another couple of hours. Natasha paused her movie and went to greet you but was taken aback when you didn't spare her a glance heading straight for your room. 

You knew you shouldn't let the events of the day get to you. But it was all you could think about. How you couldn't even get a basic turn right. You felt like a failure and that you didn't deserve the spot on the team. You sat on the bed and held your head in your hands letting the tears you had been holding back flow down your cheeks. 

Natasha's heart broke hearing the soft sobs coming from you as she entered the room. You didn't hear Natasha enter, too engrossed in the thoughts running through your head. You were startled when you felt Natasha's hands gently grip yours pulling them away from your face.

Natasha was quick to cup your cheeks and wipe away the tears that were falling, 'What's wrong, dorogoy,'

'I can't do anything right,' You exclaimed due to the rising frustration you held towards yourself, 'I can't even get through a pirouette without falling early,' You sobbed harder remembering all the failures you had throughout the day.

'Oh detka, come here,' Natasha held you close while you sobbed into her arms. She gently stroked your back knowing that helps to calm you down, 'Everyone has bad days. It doesn't define your worth, and it definitely doesn't invalidate how much you deserve to be where you are. You're doing amazing, darling. You are so talented and I'm proud of you every single day,' Natasha always knew the right words to say, 'Even I fall out of my pirouette's early when I'm training. It happens to the best of us, doesn't make you any less deserving. You'll always be a superstar athlete in my eyes,' Natasha winked causing you to smile. Natasha's heart fluttered hearing your smile. 

'Thank you Natty,' You leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Natasha held you close not letting the kiss end. Natasha always made you happy and you were so lucky to have her in your life. Anytime you doubted yourself and your abilities Natasha was always there to make sure you remembered how amazing, talented, and incredible you were. She definitely made each day easier to get through.

'Come on, I'll run you a bath,' Natasha pulled away from you laughing as you whined wanting her to stay close to you. She gently pulled you into the bathroom, leaving soft kisses as she got you and the bath ready. 

Natasha helped you into the bath, letting the warm water soothe your body and relax your mind. Washing away the events of the day. Natasha slid in behind you holding you close against her chest, 'There's nothing I wouldn't do for you malyshka,'

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