i wish | fluff (n.r.)

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The crashing and yelling from your parents downstairs woke you up. You hadn't slept long. It was normally a struggle getting to sleep with the constant tension that filled the house you lived in. Never would you call it a home, it definitely didn't feel like a home. That's all you longed for. Turning over you looked at all your posters and sighed. There was only so much you could do to help make each day better. Constantly watching marvel movies, writing fanfiction so you could disappear from your reality, even for a little while.

Each day was getting longer and you spent more time wishing to be in a different reality than your own. Hoping that the multiverse theory was real and one day you could just be in a different universe. One where you could be with Natasha and the rest of the avengers. Maybe then you could finally be happy.

More crashing was heard and you knew you weren't going back to sleep anytime soon. As your feet touched the ground below, you dragged the rest of your body out the sliding doors and onto your balcony. The only perks of a multi story house was that you got most of the top floor to yourself. Includes your own balcony where you go at night to get away from things.

The sky always calmed you down. Being able to see the stars and the moon, you would get lost in your own head drifting to different story ideas, just thinking about how life would be so different and could be so much better if you lived in the marvel cinematic universe. The fun you could have with everyone, and hopefully be able to live the rest of your days being hopelessly in love with Natasha and have her loving you just as much.

You sighed, 'I wish I could be with Natasha right now. I wish that I was happy,' You dropped your head, staring at your hands as you fiddled with your fingers. Little did you know you just wished upon a shooting star. Thinking that you had been outside long enough since you didn't hear the faint screams and sounds of more things breaking, you thought it would be safe to go back inside and try to sleep again. Hoping your parents had gone to their separate bedrooms and finally gone to sleep.

Being exhausted you didn't notice how your bedroom had changed once you walked back inside. It was like muscle memory, your legs walking you back to your bed, 'Detka, what were you doing out there?' You stopped in your tracks and took a second to process what was happening, 'Moya lyubov?' You could recognise that voice anywhere, especially since you rewatched any movie with Natasha in it. But why was Natasha in your bed?

That's when you decided to look around the room. This wasn't your bedroom at home. But it was your room. At least you thought since all the photos around had you in them. Though the picture on your side table is the one that stood out to you. It was one of you and Natasha sharing a kiss in a sunflower field, 'Natasha?' Your voice wavered, like you were asking her if that was her name.

'Is everything okay? You've never called me that even before we started dating,' Natasha laughed, her sleep waving off any confusion. Just silly you is what she put it down too, 'Come cuddle,' She opened her eyes, pouting and holding out her arms for you to crawl into.

None of this felt real but you weren't going to waste any more time. This is exactly what you wanted and now you were right here with the one person you begged to be real and to be yours for the longest time. You crawled back into bed and felt Natasha's warmth wrap around your body. She pulled you as close as she could, kissed the top of your head and instantly fell back asleep. You laid there listening to the little noises she made when she slept. You tried to fight sleep for as long as you could, thinking that this was all just a dream and would be taken away from you when you woke up. But the comfort you felt was what you needed and your eyes couldn't help but close.

After the best sleep you've had in a long time you woke up to a coldness in the bed next to you. Not bothering to look around the room or see if everything else was back to your old bedroom, you closed your eyes with a few tears escaping. You knew it was too good to be true, but now you've had a taste of that life you didn't want to go back to.

''Moya lyubov,' A soft whisper came from next to you as you felt a soft and gentle touch on the side of your face. Opening your eyes, you were met with your favourite green ones staring right back at you. As soon as you opened yours, you could see the concern appear in Natasha's, 'Are you okay? Was it that nightmare again?' You didn't even have to say anything before she pulled you into her chest, rubbing your back, soothing you, 'Remember, you're safe here with me. I love you more than anything and I won't let anything take you away,' Natasha pulled back and wiped your tears away, her hands lingering on your face.

'Can I kiss you?' You breathed out.

Natasha smiled, 'You never have to ask, silly,' and leaned in, placing her lips on yours. They were soft and everything you imagined, 'Happy birthday detka,' It was strange to hear, everyone always forgot, 'Don't tell Tony I told you, but he organised a huge party. We should probably get up and ready,'

'But I want to stay here with you. Cuddles Tasha,'

'I promise to give you as many cuddles as your heart desires and I'll be by your side the whole time,' You couldn't contain the smile that spread across your face. You were getting to live the life you always dreamed of. Finally you were happy.

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