"Yeah, but Adam will be out in a minute." I say shrugging it off. he lowers himself to sit beside me, I scoot to the left to put some space between us. ignoring my intention he slides closer and loops his arm around my shoulder. I shiver again. this time not because of the cold. He smirks.

"Ahh so you're Adam's girlfriend." He states still smirking. Does he ever stop? I can't help but giggle at his statement. Really? is it really that weird for a boy and girl to be friends?

"No." I reply shortly, moving away from him again. the smell of his cologne is overpowering and frankly he's gorgeous, I'm a teenager for Gods sake. How can he look so sexy after running round a pitch. His hair is in some places sticking to his forehead and his locks are tousled from the wind but otherwise you wouldn't know.

"Your far too beautiful for him." He says, playing with a curl of my hair. I blush, and look down at the floor. Ella, he's a player. A bad boy, don't do anything stupid, he is trying to have an affect on you, that his goal. Be strong Matthews come on.

I stand up slinging my brown handbag over my shoulder. I walk away. He makes no effort to stop me. I head for the changing rooms. Cheerleaders over him any day. As I wait leaning against the wall I can only think about Luke. the way he can make me melt with only a gaze or a few words.

"Gabs." I hear Adam say, he's clicking his fingers at me. His voice seems far away. "Gab. Snap out of it." Adam has begun shaking my shoulders. I fight his image and open my eyes wider. I suddenly become aware of my surroundings and Adam's concern on his face. I smile at him, reassuring him and shaking off Luke's image. I can't explain why his image is haunting me. He's the bad boy and I'm a ordinary fifteen year old girl. I'm not a cheerleader or any part of the popular crowd which normally capture his attention. He is a heartbreaker and if I let him he'll probably hurt me. He isn't in for the relationship, just the benefits and then bye bye.

"Come on let's go to the skate park."
I encourage grabbing his hand and pulling him after me. "Well done, in the game. You were really good. I saw you're goal! The goalkeeper didn't know what hit him." He nods taking his milkshake out of my hand. He's clearly too tired for words. He begins to drink sucking the cool the strawberry liquid up through the straw. I take it from out of his grip and drink some, the strawberry taste is refreshing and creamy. Mental note: next game buy a milkshake.

The skate park is busy. I easily spot Charlotte and Leah they're leaning against a bench. I pull my mini skirt up slightly higher, so its mid thigh. A few boys are skating on the ramps. I recognise a few of them from school. I walk over to the girls, Adam trailing after me.

"Hey, everyone's talking about playing a game, you in?" Leah asks. I gesture to my outfit. I can't exactly play football in a mini skirt.

"You can tie my jumper round your waist." Adam offers. taking off his jumper and handing it to me. I take it smiling gratefully.

"And it's dark." Leah comments pointing at the sky. I nod.

"Why not, Im in. Who else is playing?" I ask tying Adams jumper around my waist.

"Charlotte, you guys an-"

"You can count us in too." a voice says cutting Leah off, from behind me. I recognise the voice. Kyle. Slowly I turn around. Kyle is standing at the front of his group with Luke and some of his other mates, all of which are off the football team. Luke catches my eye and smirks.

"There is no way that they are playing." I say looking at Adam and Leah for support.

"Aww baby, you think we're gonna beat you." Luke says stepping so he's in line with Kyle. His eyes stare into mine. I glare at him hardening my eyes, in hope not to show weakness. He leans in and whispers into my ear, "you're right." I push his head away pretending not to care, inside I'm melting.

"No. I'm just not wasting my time with jerks like you, babe." I retort, stepping forward and rolling my eyes. I don't know why, but he's beginning to bring out the worst in me.

"Aww baby, don't play like that." He says brushing back a strand of hair. I slap his hand away as if he's an annoying fly.

"Stop calling her that." Adam snaps before I can reply. I give Luke a knowing look. Ha!

"Jealous?" Luke asks mockingly, raising his eyebrows. Oh no he didnt bo there! He's so cocky and full of himself. Egotistical jock! 

"Get over yourself!" I shout pushing him, he doesn't even stumble back. "You've never had an actual relationship, you're a fake. A player, you've slept with half of our year at least. You aren't real. You leave before it gets hard! You're a heartbreaker, Luke. You're a quitter!" I practically scream at him. He doesn't reply, he just looks taken aback. I hope he does. I don't know what just came over me. He just strolls around as if he owns everyone. Nobody ever says no to him. I step back. All of his friends are either amused or shocked. Kyle looks on the verge of breaking down into laughter. I blush bright red. I guess nobody has ever spoken to any of them like that, they're probably the ones to speak like that to people. I turn to face Adam he looks astonished, glaring at me as if I'm some sort of alien. I smirk at Luke sarcastically, the cherry on the top of the icing.

"Maybe we'll leave the match for today." Adam suggests. I stand and hug him. There may be a tiny part of me that wants to make Luke jealous. Im not sure why he'd be jealous, he clearly doesn't even like me, but His eyes shift back to the floor. Which gives me a slight feeling of satisfaction. A smug smile breaks free of my lips.

"Tomorrow night, here, 6pm. We'll pick teams and captains then." Kyle arranges, holding out his hand for Adam to shake. Adam takes his hand in one swift motion and shakes it once.
I better learn quickly. There is no way I'm losing to them.


So this is my second chapter. Please DM me or comment what you think so far, good or bad.
What do you think will be the result of the match?
The photo at the top is who plays Ella. Emma Roberts! Xx

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