When i open my eyes again i see doctors on either side as they rush me to what i assume to be operation room. Zake was not far behind.

"You have to live...shit.....don't die on me". Zake was chanting repeatedly.

Sleep engrossed me again, and darkness overtook me.


Zake POV

Lucian was still in the operation room. It has been 3 hours, 3 hours of pure torture. I prayed and prayed that he isn't dead or I'll personally kill that boyfriend of his.

Infact i wonder why he isn't here, i know he knows that Lucian got shot. I was expecting him to be here, causing havoc but he is no where to be seen.

I wish i could march to his mansion and break his feet and arm. Then break that stupid face of his, maybe his neck too. If anything happens to Lucian, it'll be the last breath he will ever take.

And yes, i know Lucian won't like my train of thoughts. He probably would protect him again, i wonder why he likes him that damn much. Enough to jump infront of a fucking bullet. Isn't that kind of love overrated.

That stupid idiot, just what does that guy give him for him to be this reckless.  He shouldn't be here, he is my only friend and to think he could jump infront of a bullet without second thoughts.  What about Sun?

Thats it. The moment he wakes up am knocking the much needed sense into him, that fool.

The door to the operation room opens, and i stand to meet the doctors halfway.

"How is he?". I ask hesitantly

"He has escaped the worse. Quite a fighter cause the bullet pierced an important organ. But he is still not above the waters so he is to be kept under strict observation". The doctor explains.

I sigh in relief. "Does that mean he'll be ok".

"Never completely sure, still not out of the danger zone. And we still can't assure you if he'll open his eyes anytime soon".

"You just said he escaped the fucking worse". i growl

"Yes, but the mere fact that he passed the surgery is a miracle in itself. So trust your friend, he is a fighter. Pretty sure he'll make it in time". The doctors explains camly.

I run my hands in my hair and release another sigh. I feel a hand on my shoulder making me flinch and remove his hand from my shoulder.

"You should go wash up first". He comments gently and with a soft smile.

I run my eyes across my outfit, and there is dry blood on my hands and clothes. My hair is probably a mess and am pretty sure am a mess overall.

"Don't mind me....am fine. I'll wash up after making sure he is fine". I reply, referring to Lucian.

He took a fucking bullet and went through surgery. I can handle a bit messy and blood for christ sake.

The doctor sighs." You won't be allowed to see him like that. Safety precautions incase of infection, he'll be safe. So wash up and maybe get something to eat". He looks at me before adding gently. "Doctor's order".

I let out a groan. "Fine".

I'll wash up and be back, i should probably run to my apartment and back get a fresh set of clothes. I'd probably stay here for an extended time. But eating that i don't think i can stomach anything right now but he doesn't need to know that.

I stand up and do just that, when i come back am met with a scene outside Lucian's room. There police officers guarding the door and chief seem to be giving them instructions.

"What is going on here". I ask as soon as am within earshot.

"Oh!. Here you are. Detective Colwell". He  introduces me to the officers who salute me.

"Chief". I also salute after nodding to the officers. "What is this". I motion to the officers.

"They are to guard his door and allow minimum interaction with anyone but the doctors". Upon seeing my look, he explains. "He is a criminal because he betrayed his brothers and teammates and choose to protect a criminal. He is to be arrested the moment he wakes up...."

"He barely got out of surgery". I growl. "We are not even sure if......"

"I get you were close to him but.....". He takes a deep sigh. "He choose his path, and it's not your job to protect him. He abounded us first". He pats my shoulder. "He is a criminal now, we will treat him as such".

"But sir....."

"Am not asking for your opinion Detective". The chief says. "Am merely informing you".

Turning he walks away and leave. I change to the clothes as suggested by the nurses and walk into the room. Tears stream from my face, Lucian look so small, pale and fragile that breaks my heart.

It doesn't help that one of his hand is attached to the iv while the other to cuffs. I don't notice that i have been sobbing loudly till i hear a commotion outside.

"We can't let you in". One of the officer says.

A bit of quietness then. "Sir....I'll use force if i have to". Another officer inputs.

"Touch me again and I'll rip your throat from your neck". King's voice answers.

"Great". I mutter. Rubbing my face, i pull my blank face on and walk outside.

To find King glaring at the officer who was trying to maintain a serious face but i could see were intimidated. Before i could get a word in, the other officer make a motion to grab him by his shoulder but his hands are twisted before he could make contact.

Making him release a painful almost embarrassing voice.

"Let him go". I growl.

King meets me face to face. As he stares at me head-on while still breaking the poor officer's hand.

"Let him go". I repeat. "If you want to see him". I add

That works as magic as he releases him almost immediately.

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