chapter 26

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i was finalising a meeting when my secretary stepped in.

She leaned in and whispers. "Jet is here, he says it's an emergency".

With a smile on my face still intact. "That will be all for today. Thank you".

Standing up i walk towards my office to find Rema and jet Standing outside.

"What a surprise. What did i do to have mighty Rema in my office". I say as i pass them.

"Must have been a good good girl". Rema says with a grin as he follows behind me.

I could hear jet sigh. "There is an emergency, apparently there is a kidnapping done by us. And the location points here".

"And the police are on the way. King sent us to protect you". Rema inputs

"That'll explain how you are still standing and not seating leisurely as you ussually do". I adress Rema." The police?, how did they get information".

"Anonymous tip". Jet explains.

"Ok, i will handle this. Stay in the office". I demand. I call my lawyer." I'll be needing you, right now".

"We can't just leave you. We are supposed to protect you". Jet says

"And i said i can handle this". I reply with a smile. "Don't worry, they don't have any evidence. Besides i plan to use this to benefit me".

The secretary burst in." Madam the police are downstairs they said they have a warrant". She exclaims panickly

"That is my cue". I announce and begin moving downstairs.

But the stubborn two men keep walking behind me. "Aren't you going to leave". I snap quietly.

"We will keep our distance, but i can't leave completely". Rema replies. "Consider us your ride back home".

I speed up and meet the police who were currently blocked by a bunch of security guards. What a commotion.

"That's enough. I'll handle this". I announce with authority.

The security guards creates a way for me. And soon am face to face with with the police.

"Am Victoria King. Owner of the King enterprises. Is there any way i can help you". I adress them.

"We have a warrant for search and seize". Their leader demands and hands me a paper.

"On what charges". I reply as i take the paper.

"Kidnapping, murder, entry and breaking in, deal in firearms". He announces

I scoff." I will cooperate, inturn if you are wrong. Don't hate me for the consequences you will face".

"Clearing out wrongs, despite the level of wealth a person holds. Is our work". Their leader replies. "And on that note, you won't mind accompanying us for interrogation".

"Like i said, I'll cooperate". I said with a tight smile.

God, this reminds me why i hate the police. Always incompetent and very easily bought off.

The police who had scattered to go, search the company returned empty handed after a while.

"I guess, things are not working out for you". I say sarcastically. "Can we go".

I begin walking towards the police car. They open and i step in the car. On my peripheral vision i could see, Rema and Jet moving towards a car.

I arrive at the police station and am sent at the interrogation room. My lawyer who had already arrived was seating beside me.

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