chapter 25

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My day was going by really slow. It had nothing to do with lack of work, but i just wanted time to fly so i find myself back into King's arms.

Am a king addict, right now. I keep craving him. But the work was alot. Infact the civil affairs office has more work than the department i was in.

But as soon as i get a few minutes in, he is the only thing that comes in my mind. Am interrupted from my thoughts when Zake comes into the office and directly at my desk.

"Have you spoken to King". He whispers harshly as he leans towards me.

"Yes i did". I reply with a chuckle. "He is never going to come here, worry out".

"No". He growls making me furrow my brows. "You have to warn him. We just got a location to his house. And a tip of a kidnapping done by King. We are all supposed to go in few minutes".

"What?. What location?". I whisper yell.

He passes me a note subtly by passing into my coat. As he pretends to give me a side hug.

"Warn him fast. He doesn't have much time". Zake whispers

Then pulls away with a bright smile. "See you later budy". He turns and walk out.

I sit and pull the note out. And i immediately start calling King. But the idiot is not picking up his phone.

I decide to call Rema but he is also not picking up. I have reached a point that am now sweating and am nearly having a panick attack.

But no one is picking up their goddamn phone at this important time. Cursing i decide to call Sun. I remember something about him not going to class today.

He picks up immediately. Making me sigh in relief.

"Sun speaking".  He says in a robotic manner

"Sun where is Don?"

"He and the others are in a room upstairs. Why?"

"Can you go give the phone to him. It's urgent".

"Sure". He replies and i hear him running.

Then, "your on speaker". Sun announces.



I was busy holding Lucian. And watching him as he sleeps, creepy but i don't care.

I don't know when he became this important to me. But he must have slipped his way in. And it'll be hard to let go. Frankly i don't even want to.

He mumbles something and then opens his eyes.

"Van?. You woke up early". He says grogily.

"Mhhhh". I hum

He nuzzle his head on my neck. "I need to wake up now". He mumbles


But none of us made any effort to move. After a while of just simply holding each other, he makes a move. But I pull him back to me.

He chuckles. "I really have to go. But I'll keep my phone with me. And you now have a tracker in my body".

"Mhhh". I say. Then proceeds to kiss him, that however didn't last long before he slipped away from me.

I decide to cook for him breakfast, then say goodbye to him.

I move on to firstly check on Baba and Can and ofcourse pass them breakfast. But apparently this time my efforts were not needed, as Can had made breakfast already.

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