chapter 6

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I know it's still painful but i still want to hear everything.  I want to know everything about sun's school life.

Looking across , sun was busy complementing King's food . which i reluctantly agreed to be very tasty.

While King would pass and suggest few side dishes. They would laugh on something like an inside joke.

They just seem to be moving in the same wavelength.  They seem to be close and understand each other well.

And maybe i would feel a bit ok if it wasn't the same man who murdered the prime minister today. Am in conflict.

But he seems to be so gentle with sun. And what is really concerning me is that they look so much alike.

Am not even exaggerating,  i thought am the only one who thinks so, but apparently the teacher thought the same thing. It's like looking at the older version of sun.

"So what happened when you arrived as sun's father".  I ask curiously.

Both he and sun chuckles. While i stare at them with furrowed brows.

"Well i guess it's story time". King exclaims as he clap his hands together.


We had just finished the mission.  I was heading for a much needed shower when i received a call.

The only problem was that the number was new. And only few people have the said number and i happen to know theirs.


"Uhhhm....well i am sorry but my uncle isn't picking and well said.....". sun was stammering.

"Sun ,explain to me what's going on slowly". I speak soothingly

"Well i got into trouble at school, and they need our parents.  But you see uncle isn't picking.....and well you did say i could call so.......".

"Am on ma way". I hang up, putting on a different shirt i head out.

Immediately when i open the principal's door i find  3 kids, each have their parents behind them while sun is standing on the other side alone playing with his fingers.

As soon as he sees me he exhales in relief. I pull a gentle smile at him as i approach him.

"I don't think i have seen you before......". the principal asks.

"Well i am.....".

"He is my father". Sun interupts.

I blink in a daze before looking at him. I can actually say there few things that tend to suprise me but this kid just wins the medal on unpredictability.

It's almost uncanny,  the resemblance.

"Well your Sun was found hitting the other kids...".the principal begins to explain but i cut her off.

"Fighting ,they were fighting".  I correct calmly.

"Excuse me?".one parent exclaims . "Don't  you see this bruise on my son's face how do you call this a fair fight".

"I don't ". "You can't call 3 boys ganging up on one boy fair" . "Now can we". I continue calmly.

"Listen..".the principal begins.

"And it's not his fault your sons are a bunch of lousy fighters. It isn't his fault that they bark more than they can bite".

Another parent chuckle sarcastically.  "What are we expecting if his own father support violence, it's obvious he is ill breed. Maybe it's also because he doesn't have a mother".

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